cpd25 are currently looking for new people to become members of their task groups. cpd25 is the Staff Development and Training programme of the M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries. This is an excellent development opportunity for anyone looking to increase their experience, build their skill set, and network with librarians from other institutions. Members of…Continue Reading An exciting development opportunity, CPD25 task groups.
Erasmus visit – reflections from Turkey
Hacer Ozen, librarian at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey, visited City in April through the Erasmus scheme. Here are Hacer’s reflections on their week at City. I spent a very useful and efficient week in terms of my professional experience at City, University of London Library, where I went as part of…Continue Reading Erasmus visit – reflections from Turkey
SDWG Snacks
This is our regular roundup of “snacks” that you can take a bite of when you need some inspiration, either for your well-being, development or to improve your digital skills. Please let us know if you have something you want to share, either well-being, work or home-related. Well-being The Wellbeing titles on OverDrive – There…Continue Reading SDWG Snacks
Early Career Academic and Research Librarians in London launch event
EARLL (Early Career Academic and Research Librarians in London) launch Event London is unique. It has many libraries, yet a community of early career librarians doesn’t exist. Funding was granted through the UKSG Innovation awards, for free events organised by EARLL, a group created by some LSE librarians. The launch event was held on 13th…Continue Reading Early Career Academic and Research Librarians in London launch event
Visit to The Royal Courts of Justice Library
On Friday, 15th November a group of librarians and researchers met with Andrea Milns, who arranged the visit, and Stephanie Curran, the librarian. Despite several groups standing in front of the building, there were no mistakes when trying to identify attendees for our visit. After going through security checks we were informed that no photos…Continue Reading Visit to The Royal Courts of Justice Library
Developing Resilience

On Monday 11th November, I attended the Organisational Development-organised course, Developing Resilience, here at City. The aim of the day was to show us ways to develop our own resilience through looking at how stress is generated, and presenting a toolkit to help us deal with it. Resilience is all about the ability to bounce…Continue Reading Developing Resilience
Work Shadowing: Library Systems Manager
Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to shadow Lucy, our Library Systems Manager. It was a great opportunity to learn more about the technology our library service runs on, the job itself, and ask Lucy about her personal experiences in this role. Working with systems Lucy oversees the following systems and platforms that we…Continue Reading Work Shadowing: Library Systems Manager
New Professionals and Graduates Day by SLA, BIALL, and CLSIG

A month ago, I attended this full-day event organised by SLA, BIALL, and CLSIG. There were a wide variety of attendees; from people who were finishing their library traineeships and were about to embark on getting their qualifications, to others like me who had graduated. Part of the day was dedicated to law librarianship, whilst…Continue Reading New Professionals and Graduates Day by SLA, BIALL, and CLSIG
Management at City – Is it for me?
Management at City – Is it for me? One day course. Jonathan Winter Derek suggested that I attend this course, so buoyed by his faith in me, I arrived yesterday morning with eleven other staff from across City. Louise, the trainer, started with John Adair’s widely used Functional Leadership model that looks at the workplace…Continue Reading Management at City – Is it for me?
Successful women in the workplace
To mark International Women’s Day OD ran a series of events, including another of their successful panel discussions, this year entitled, Successful women in the workplace. Having attended the session back in 2016 I was keen to hear what a different range of women had to say, and pick up more tips. Interestingly, the two tips…Continue Reading Successful women in the workplace