It’s Good to Share…

I wasn’t quite sure  what to expect from the  CPD25 seminar : Inclusive Staff Development: sharing knowledge across the library  on  23/06/15,  except that our own Samantha Halford and Derek Mackenzie would be presenting and, well, I do like to share… A good range of  academic institutions were represented and most of the attendees were…Continue Reading It’s Good to Share…

BLA Christmas Event – Social Media in Libraries

Last year (ahem – well this is amnesty week!) I attended the BLA Christmas Event – Social Media in Libraries. Held at Regent’s University College, it was nice to see an old colleague and also to meet famous faces from the world of Library Social Media! We were sent some pre-event reading in the form…Continue Reading BLA Christmas Event – Social Media in Libraries

CILIP New Professionals Day, 2014

On Friday 9th October, CILIP will be holding their New Professionals Day 2015. I attended this event in 2014 and found it both useful and inspiring. There were around 60 delegates, from across the country. The majority were, like me, just starting out on their careers, but  some of the attendees had been in the…Continue Reading CILIP New Professionals Day, 2014

Blog Post Amnesty Drop-in

I recently attended the above training session and we discussed posting a blog for an event that was already featured.  It was decided that another viewpoint would be of interest but as Sam had written such a well-balanced and comprehensive report (read it here), I did not feel another was necessary (especially one of my newbies!)…Continue Reading Blog Post Amnesty Drop-in

Customer Services Training, August 2015

Recently, we’ve had a lot of Customer Services training here in Library Services.  There’s been three sessions set up, run by Angela Tickner from Quest Coaching and Development Ltd, who’s done similar training for City before. I wanted to use this space to reflect on my attendance at one of the sessions, on 13th August…Continue Reading Customer Services Training, August 2015

Creative Library Teaching Workshop – Leeds Beckett University, May 2015

The title of this workshop really interested me. I have a background in performing arts and have dappled in creative writing (scripts for plays and short films, poetry, outlines for full length novels and/or screenplays) so I was keen to see some new ideas that I could perhaps incorporate into my teaching. We started with…Continue Reading Creative Library Teaching Workshop – Leeds Beckett University, May 2015

EIUG (European Innovative User Group) 2015

WARNING: This blog posts contains an unusually high number of acronyms. Read at your own risk. In early July I attended the EIUG conference in Dublin. This year it was held as a joint conference with the IIUG (Irish Innovative User Group) as Innovative have attracted several  new Irish customers recently, including Trinity College Dublin,…Continue Reading EIUG (European Innovative User Group) 2015

CILIP Leadership Programme & Conference 2015

In July 2015, I was fortunate enough to have had the chance to have 2 new experiences, the first day of the new CILIP  Leadership programme  and the opportunity to attend the CILIP Conference 2015, both  in Liverpool (and also to meet some great new people). CILIP Leadership Programme The CILIP Leadership programme is a pilot…Continue Reading CILIP Leadership Programme & Conference 2015

“With a little help from my [BLA] friends”: Notes from a Business Librarians Association Conference Newcomer

As far as first major conferences go, I got lucky attending BLA 2015 in Liverpool. From the very beginning, meeting Samantha at Euston, where our direct train with seat bookings to Liverpool Lime Street had been cancelled and all the other trains were severely delayed, Samantha happened to be a seasoned traveler from Euston with…Continue Reading “With a little help from my [BLA] friends”: Notes from a Business Librarians Association Conference Newcomer