Talis User Group 2014

At the beginning of July I attended the 2 day Talis user group at the University of Leicester. The event was a mixture of group discussion, presentations and panel discussions and was generally an interesting update on what other universities are doing with the Aspire reading list system and the developments Talis are currently working…Continue Reading Talis User Group 2014

Samantha’s LILAC 2014 Part One: Happy 10th Birthday LILAC!

LILAC is the Librarians’ Annual Information Literacy Conference, and this year it was held in Sheffield Hallam, 8th-10th April.  As usual it was jam-packed with speakers and delegates, and was a whirlwind of ideas, information and experience sharing. I’m going to highlight specific sessions another post, but first I wanted to share with you some…Continue Reading Samantha’s LILAC 2014 Part One: Happy 10th Birthday LILAC!

Blogged elsewhere: FHEA Qualifications and Teaching as a Librarian

Quick post: I’ve been doing a spot of Moonlighting for those lovely people at #uklibchat.  They have a monthly Twitter meet up where they discuss various issues, and this time it’s about teaching and librarianship.  They asked me to write a post about my experiences and about the FHEA award (which you can work towards…Continue Reading Blogged elsewhere: FHEA Qualifications and Teaching as a Librarian

Visit to the British Library, 23rd May 2014

A while back now, on Friday 23 May, I went on a CPD visit to the British Library.  With a crowd of other HE library peeps (including Monika and Lisa from Northampton Square), we gathered in the lobby ready for an afternoon that would consist of a tour and three talks. The view outside on…Continue Reading Visit to the British Library, 23rd May 2014

“Data, data everywhere” – review of sessions at the 45th annual BIALL conference, Harrogate

In June I headed up to Harrogate to the annual conference of the British and Irish Association of Law Librarians (BIALL), the theme of which was ‘Data, data everywhere’. The first speaker of the day was Simon Lord from the Financial Times who presented the results of a research report entitled ‘The evolving value of…Continue Reading “Data, data everywhere” – review of sessions at the 45th annual BIALL conference, Harrogate

Space Planning with CPD25

As we grapple with the refurbishment plans for Level 6 and the decant from West Smithfield library in the coming weeks, this CPD 25 event at the London Mathematical Society in early May was a timely and interesting afternoon spend hearing from colleagues from Brunel, University of East London and the London School of Hygiene…Continue Reading Space Planning with CPD25

Lilac and ‘pointless’ library inductions

  This session caught my eye in the Lilac parallel sessions programme. ‘Is library induction pointless?’  Julie Moody http://plymouth.libguides.com/profile.php?uid=63242 The session was very well attended, so I wasn’t the only one. Julie had used the TV ‘Pointless’ quiz format in her Library inductions sessions. She did this to engage the students but also because in…Continue Reading Lilac and ‘pointless’ library inductions

Alumni Library Forum, Cass Business School, December 2013

Our Eresources Manager at Cass, Suzanne Griffiths, was a co-organiser of this event, aimed at helping librarians to support alumni at their institutions.  This user group has become more and more prominent over the last few years, so this is a timely event that she and Rachel Daniels from Cranfield University wish to run again…Continue Reading Alumni Library Forum, Cass Business School, December 2013

London LibTeachMeet 2013

Happy New Year!  And welcome back to Developing@City on this horrible grey and rainy Monday morning. Back in the wilds of November, which seems a million years or so ago now, I attended the 2013 London LibTeachMeet at Imperial College.  A LibTeachMeet is a low-cost way of sharing teaching experiences, good practices, bits of research…Continue Reading London LibTeachMeet 2013

More British Library blogs from Alex…

Just in case you’re interested in more of my legal research for the British Library ….    “Stories from the Empire”  parts 1 and 2 ;  this time in their Social Science blog: http://britishlibrary.typepad.co.uk/socialscience/2013/12/stories-from-the-empire-privy-council-cases-1917-1920-contd.html…Continue Reading More British Library blogs from Alex…