…. If so then why not come along to an informal Playful Learning lunchtime meet-up in LEaD hosted by Susannah Quinsee, Director of LEaD and Jane Secker, Senior Lecturer in Educational Development. They are both interested in playful approaches to learning and games and would like to set up a City wide special interest group for staff interested in the topic. Whether you have developed your own game, used playful approaches in teaching or just want to find out more about this, why not join us on Wednesday 20th November from 12.30-13.30pm in B310. Do feel free to bring along your lunch. This introductory event is open to all staff across City and booking is not required.
We’re aware there is a growing interest in games and playful learning in higher education. Susannah recently qualified as a Lego Serious Play trainer. I’ve also been developing games I use in my teaching for several years and have spoken about those at various conferences, including most recently at MozFest. There are also several conferences on the topic including Playful Learning and recently a new nationwide special interest group formed called the Playful Learning Association and a journal have been set up.
We’d like to support staff at City as well as to share some of the great games and playful approaches we know are taking place across the Schools and in Professional Services. We hope to see you. If you are not able to attend but would like to register your interest in joining the network please email me (Jane.Secker@city.ac.uk). In our first meeting next week we’ll be talking about what sort of support people might like from a special interest group, deciding issues such as how frequently to meet and devising a schedule for future meetings. We hope to see some of you next week.
Hi Jane, I’d love to join but I can’t make it in that Wednesday. I love the idea of playful learning and I think this has come about from many SHASS events that I have attended as well as my two children and how they learn. I’d be open to joining a SIG for sure but may have limited availability but am very keen nevertheless!
Hi Jane,
I have experienced Lego Serious play recently, blogged here; https://blogs.city.ac.uk/learningatcity/2019/10/22/4th-innovative-learning-spaces-summit/#.Xcq83y2cbUI
Its good fun and IO was surprised how deep the discussion can get once you start applying questions while building a model.
Hi Jane – I’d also be interested but can’t attend this date. Please do post if you have other dates when you will run this session. Hannah