Tag: ALT

New ALT Special Interest Group for Digital Accessibility – call for officers!


We are excited to announce the formation of a new Special Interest Group (SIG) for Digital Accessibility under the Association for Learning Technology (ALT). This initiative has been proposed by Sandra Partington and Sylwia Frankowska-Takhari from our Digital Accessibility team at LEaD, in collaboration with the Learning Technologies team at The University of Nottingham. Together, we…Continue Reading New ALT Special Interest Group for Digital Accessibility – call for officers!

Ten years, ten highlights

Yesterday marked a full decade since I started working at this university. The Learning Enhancement and Development (LEaD) department was officially launched on my second day in the job, at an on-campus event with LEaD cupcakes, leaderships speeches and aspirations of where things had come from and what we were to become. The annual Learning…Continue Reading Ten years, ten highlights

Event Invite: AI and Neurodiversity, what should we be talking about?

Update to this post,  thanks to Dr Jim Turner (LJMU) Current Chair of ELESIG, for this blog post, Charting Uncharted Waters: How ELESIG’s Roundtable Sheds Light on AI’s Neurodiverse Students’ Education which summarises  the webinar and has the following tips. Tips for thinking through AI and Neurodiversity Here is a summary of some of the…Continue Reading Event Invite: AI and Neurodiversity, what should we be talking about?

Shared Experience, Different Perspectives: 10 things about #ALTc21

Screenshot of slide at keynote presentation at ALTc21 by Sonia Livingstone

In 2020, when so many events that would have once taken place in person switched to being fully online ones, I feasted at the newly laden CPD table, gorging on a seemingly far higher serving of webinars, conferences and group discussions than I’d typically attend in a ‘normal’ year. This meant a deeper and accelerated…Continue Reading Shared Experience, Different Perspectives: 10 things about #ALTc21

The student voice on Active Blended Learning – an ELESIG Webinar on March 11th 2021

a winter scene of red berries on bare branches

Dear colleagues,  I wish to alert the Learning @ City readership that ELESIG is back in action from March 2021 and we are launching with a new webinar series for 2021. Our first event of 2021 is booking up fast ( and please keep trying if it says full –  as we are expanding the capacity!)….Continue Reading The student voice on Active Blended Learning – an ELESIG Webinar on March 11th 2021

Interrogating the #HolographicAcademic at #ALTc

cover of 'Speculative Everything' book

#altc First session, a design workshop for telepresent future learning with @dompates – Holography and HE and Speculative learning design #HolographicAcademic pic.twitter.com/B4rcG6Bt3W — Dr Sarah Copeland (@XarahC) September 3, 2019 If holographic projection was introduced and adopted by universities, what impacts might there be on teaching and learning? In September 2019, I made my first…Continue Reading Interrogating the #HolographicAcademic at #ALTc

Reflections on remote conferencing

#altc Tweetdeck search

ALT-C (the Association of Learning Technologies Conference) is the UK’s premier gathering of people from across the learning technology spectrum. I attended my first ALT-C in 2014 – a smorgasbord of sectoral experiences and ideas to sample, snack and binge on. In 2016, I was drawn back into its orbit, but via forms of remote…Continue Reading Reflections on remote conferencing

M25 Learning Technology Group July 2016 Meeting

On the 20th July, the M25 Learning Technology Group met at the University of Westminster on Regents Street, the first one hosted by Westminister (see the timeline of meetings , courtesy of Matt Lingard).The afternoon had presentations on Digital Literacy, User Experience and Flow in the redesign of Moodle, Open Badges, Learning Spaces and Learning…Continue Reading M25 Learning Technology Group July 2016 Meeting