This is a guest post from Vince Mitchell who is Professor of Consumer Marketing at Cass Business School at City and teaches the marketing course on the Executive MBA. In this 3-part post, Vince share’s some of his learning and observations from attending a recent seminar on case teaching by Harvard Business School. Part Two…Continue Reading Teaching cases the Harvard way…. Part 2 – case demonstration
Teaching cases the Harvard way….part 1 – case setup
This is a guest post from Vince Mitchell who is Professor of Consumer Marketing at Cass Business School at City and teaches the marketing course on the Executive MBA. In this 3-part post, Vince share’s some of his learning and observations from attending a recent seminar on case teaching by Harvard Business School. Part One …Continue Reading Teaching cases the Harvard way….part 1 – case setup
Walking as learning ideas and guidance
Walking can add a dynamic element to the learning experience and can be particularly effective for active learning, creativity and reflective practice. A University campus or city offer a variety of spaces for free roaming and stimulating sights and artefacts. This post shares some guidance on planning a walking activity. If you have experienced walking…Continue Reading Walking as learning ideas and guidance
Walking, learning and leadership development
Increasingly in Higher Education we work with uncertainty and complexity without simple solutions or clear trajectories. Consequently to develop as leaders, our fundamental tool is reflective practice. This involves creating a space to reflect on our progression and challenges, our values and strengths, and to experiment and connect with others. In LEaD we have been…Continue Reading Walking, learning and leadership development
Silver Vaults Walking and Learning Activity
London could be viewed as a giant extended classroom freely available to use for activities, wandering and discovery. The scene of our latest walking and learning activity was a literal treasure trove under the pavements of Chancery Lane, the London Silver Vaults. This fascinating underground site now hosts 30 specialist silver retailers and started life as…Continue Reading Silver Vaults Walking and Learning Activity
The Walking Reading Group and Beyond
The highly successful Walking Reading Group, facilitated by Lydia Ashman, Ania Bas and Simone Mair, finished it’s current iteration of walks with a flurry of activity this month. Events included a suite of walks in Bilbao, a ‘Walking as Resistance’ walk around parliament and the surrounding area with texts and themes arising from the Human Rights…Continue Reading The Walking Reading Group and Beyond
Developing Leadership and Your Reflective Practice
We are now recruiting participants for the Developing Leadership and Your Reflective Practice module that will run as a double module as part of the MA Academic Practice from January 2015. Increasingly work in the HE sector is characterised by continuous change and uncertainty with high expectations and decreasing resources. Consequently, it is vital for staff…Continue Reading Developing Leadership and Your Reflective Practice
Reflections on our inspiration day
In November, Anise, Annemarie and myself took a day out to try the technique of walking and learning, as outlined in Anise’s previous post. The day was a fantastic opportunity to gain some thinking time as well as trying out a technique that I had read about from elsewhere and I wanted to use in…Continue Reading Reflections on our inspiration day
British Museum Walking and Learning
Students on the Leading Change in Higher Education module of the MAAP course participated in an activity that explored their values, leadership qualities and leadership journeys within the galleries of the British Museum. This was an opportunity to put on our comfy shoes and start walking and learning. The students found the day to be…Continue Reading British Museum Walking and Learning
Reflective Practitioner Exhibition
It was an honour to be invited to the exhibition showcasing and engaging guests with students’ work on ‘The Reflective Practitioner’ module as part of BSc Management and BSc Business. Angela Dove, the module leader, working in conjunction with the students and other supporters put on this year’s exhibition in the newly refurbished Drysdale Lecture…Continue Reading Reflective Practitioner Exhibition