Writing Guidance

Here are some key tips for writing your blog post:

  • Make your post titles short and snappy as a hook for readers. For more details, read: how to hook readers in with catchy blog titles.
  • When you start writing posts, make them short (300-500 words) and conversational. You can find more advice here: Want to make your posts more conversational? Read this…
  • Write with an audience in mind. If you’re not sure how to do this, read – who’s your audience? I am!
  • Include links and images in all posts. Here are some tips on – using images to attract readers.
  • Preview your post often while writing it
  • Use Categories (one or two) and Tags (as many as seem relevant) in all posts
  • Set a ‘Featured Image’ (bottom of your post settings) before publishing
  • Invite comments or contributions in the post, particularly by ending on a question
  • Schedule your post rather than publish immediately for peak reading times (Mon AM, Weds PM and Fri PM are best)
  • Read and comment on other people’s posts – it builds conversations

If you would like further guidance and a friendly space to write your blog posts, come to the Blog Writing Group. We meet on the first Wednesday or Thursday of the month from 1-2pm. For more info, email daniel.sansome@city.ac.uk.

A normal session starts with an investigation of one aspect of blogging, which is followed by time for participants to get on with their own writing. We usually meet in a computer room, so if you have technical questions we can look at them too.

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