Read for relaxation

If you’re looking to #TakeABreak from your exam exasperation or dissertation drama, reading for pleasure (or at least, reading something different) can really help take your mind off things.

If you’ve come across our book displays on Level 5 you’re already aware that we have a massive fiction collection, as well as self-help and special interest titles.Screenshot of the Newspapers and magazines guide.

But did you know we have access to newspapers and magazines from all around the world too?


Our Newspapers and magazines guide outlines all of the databases and subscriptions you can access – including archives of publications like The Times, The Washington Post and Vogue.

We’d also recommend you check out Press Reader: you can access a whole range of up-to-date publications exactly as they look/were formatted when they went to print. Whatever your special interest, there’ll be something for you.

Happy reading.

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