SDWG snacks – Oct 2023

This is our regular roundup of “snacks” that you can take a bite of when you need some inspiration, either for your well-being, development or to improve your digital skills.  Please let us know if you have something you want to share, either well-being, work or home-related.


Have you seen the new wellbeing@city hub?

Support and resource library | City, University of London


With the nights drawing in and the weather turning cold and damp if you are tempted to take your fitness training indoors you can take advantage of the CitySport membership deal only £60 for a whole year City staff | CitySport

Personal and Professional Development


The SDWG symposium will be making a return this term. Look out for emails from the SDWG team for further information on presenting and attending. The date will be 11th December.


Digital Skills

The University of Kent has some useful information on the use of Artificial Intelligence within University environments. They have a webpage with some basic information   Learn more about generative AI – Education – University of Kent

If you want further resources they have posted the presentations from their generative AI conference on YouTube Empowering Tomorrow: Unleashing Creativity through Generative AI – YouTube

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