EBSLG Conference

I was fortunate enough to attend the European Business School Librarians’ (EBSLG) conference in at St. Gallen University earlier this month. I delivered a paper on Creating an impact with library promotions in which I shared some of the great work of our Library Marketing Group.  Here is a summary of highlights from the conference….Continue Reading EBSLG Conference

Data skills and statistics for librarians, cpd25, 1st June 2015

Three of us from City went to this event, all from the Management Information Group – we hoped it would help us to understand some of the things that we could do with the statistics we’re collecting, and also help us to identify what the right sort of things to collect are.  I’d say it…Continue Reading Data skills and statistics for librarians, cpd25, 1st June 2015

Moving Into Management – ARLG East

In February I went on a trip to Christ’s College, Cambridge, for an event called “Moving Into Management”, hosted by the Academic & Research Libraries Group’s eastern contingent.  It can be hard for a subject librarian to get management experience; we’re used to managing our own work and budget, as well as juggling the competing…Continue Reading Moving Into Management – ARLG East

LILAC 2015 – Conference Report

In early April I spent a few sunny days at the LILAC Conference which this year was at Newcastle University. This is my second year at LILAC and again I was really impressed with the conference organisation and the enthusiasm of the speakers and attendees.  It was a wide and varied programme but I’ve picked out my…Continue Reading LILAC 2015 – Conference Report

Developing Blended Learning

At the end of March I was lucky enough to attend the IL sponsored one day workshop ‘Developing a Blended Learning Skills Programme’ at CILIP HQ in central London. The event was run by Jennie Blake and Jade Kelsall from the University of Manchester Library and focussed on their experience in creating and maintaining the…Continue Reading Developing Blended Learning

LILAC conference 2015

LILAC 2015 This year, I was very fortunate to have the opportunity for the first time to attend the LILAC 15 Conference at University of Newcastle http://www.lilacconference.com/WP/ For the uninitiated, LILAC is the Librarians’ Information Literacy Annual Conference. It was also great for me to able to do a presentation with Alex  about the Employability work that…Continue Reading LILAC conference 2015

Career Development Day ‘The shape of the profession in the future’

Name: CPD25 Career Development Day ‘The shape of the profession in the future’ Speakers: Ludi Price – City University London Lyn Robinson – City University London Antony Loveland – British Museum Russell Kennedy – University of East London Matthew Lawson – Middlesex University Erica Sosna – The Life Project Time: 26/02/2015 09.30-16.00 Place: Park Crescent…Continue Reading Career Development Day ‘The shape of the profession in the future’

British Library: behind the scenes

 I spent an afternoon visiting behind the scenes at the British Library at St Pancras recently. The British Library was established under  the British Library Act 1972 as the National Library of the United Kingdom, it receives funding from the Department of Media, Culture & Sport and generates some of its own income. The building was…Continue Reading British Library: behind the scenes


On the 4th March I went to Senate House to play games, sorry, that should read learn about games, gamification and games based learning via a symposium run by In Focus, chaired by Steven Warburton (University of Surrey) and Alex Moseley (University of Leicester). At registration we received a ‘game card’ along with our badges and…Continue Reading Playtime!

Whose library is it anyway? Thoughts from the CPD25 conference: Managing the Learning Environment (25th November 2014)

In 2014 I attended two CPD25 events on managing student behaviour. The first, held in March, was called ‘Managing Student Behaviour’, and was split between Customer Service skills-building in the morning and talks from representatives from different academic libraries in the afternoon. Because such a large part of managing student behaviour involves managing the environment,…Continue Reading Whose library is it anyway? Thoughts from the CPD25 conference: Managing the Learning Environment (25th November 2014)