A good way of keeping up to date professionally is by visiting other institutions. Ever in search of amazing researcher support, I intrepidly headed south to the University of Sussex Library. Sussex Uni is in Falmer which is near Brighton. The Research Support section in the Library Academic Services provides dedicated support to research faculty…Continue Reading Sun, Sand & Seagulls : Visit to Sussex Uni Library
Back to School! …must be time to make some lists.
So, it’s nearly that time again… the start of the new academic year! It’s around this time that I always get in a big panic about not having enough time to get everything done, and decide that I need to be more organised. This tends to manifest itself in a spot of desk-tidying – indeed,…Continue Reading Back to School! …must be time to make some lists.
ICS First Impressions
I attended the ICS First Impressions training course at City University, which was held on Wednesday 26th June (day 1) and Tuesday 23rd July (day 2). The group consisted of other library staff, members of the security team and a course officer from Cass Business School. Before the course started we received literature on the…Continue Reading ICS First Impressions
Umbrella 2013
CILIP’s “Umbrella” Conference is held every two years with the purpose of bringing library and information professionals from different sectors together. Under one quite big, metaphorical umbrella, as it were. This year it was held at the University of Manchester and I was there. As were six hundred or so others. It was an interesting…Continue Reading Umbrella 2013
Reflections on starting @ City
I started working here at City as Research Librarian in February 2013 and here are a few highlights from my time here so far: I have enjoyed learning new things, using social media such as writing the Citylibresearchers blog and using Twitter to engage with academics and others. I have enjoyed doing presentations to staff…Continue Reading Reflections on starting @ City
Today is Learning at Work Day!
May 23rd is Learning at Work Day! Why not take a minute to reflect on what you currently want to learn about here at City, and how you might do this? If you manage others you could also consider how you’re helping them with their learning objectives and encouraging a culture of learning and developing….Continue Reading Today is Learning at Work Day!
Live lab lunchtime
Pop into the Northampton Square kitchen between 12 – 2 today to see the range of technologies that we have and to ask questions of those who’ve used it. It is an informal session and the equipment is available for loan afterwards. If you aren’t sure that e-books are better than paper this could be…Continue Reading Live lab lunchtime
New Link Resolver! Part of the Summon Implementation Project
Lucy’s posted on the Summon at City University London blog so you can find out a bit more about our new link resolver. I’m pretty pleased with the work we’ve done on this: it’s going to make it a lot easier to track down an article from a citation in an abstract-only database, or on…Continue Reading New Link Resolver! Part of the Summon Implementation Project
Career Development Day for Library & Information Assistants
In February, Amy, James, Sue and I attended this event run by CPD25, which was aimed specifically at Library & Information Assistants. The event was held in the Hardy Room of the London Mathematical Society on Russell Square. The day was divided into two: in the morning Jeremy Clark from Sue Hill Recruitment held a…Continue Reading Career Development Day for Library & Information Assistants
Ministry of Justice Library
As part of my graduate trainee scheme, I have had some brilliant opportunities to visit a wide range of libraries, from academic libraries to museum libraries. My most recent visit was a trip to the library at the Ministry of Justice, which was very impressive. Arriving at the headquarters of the Ministry of Justice, my…Continue Reading Ministry of Justice Library