As we celebrate International Women’s Day on the 8th of March, and Women’s History Month throughout the month, we thought it’d be a brilliant opportunity to highlight some of the resources available in the Library.

The purpose of this day and month is to uphold women’s achievements, recognise challenges, and focus greater attention on women’s rights and gender equality, as well as discover previously neglected heritage. If you are interested in these topics, the most current research is almost always featured in academic journals. If you are not sure what exactly you are looking for, a good idea is to browse through journals related to women’s studies, women’s history, or women’s health on Browzine. Another specialised resource is History of Feminism database, where you can access a wide range of sources, with a special focus on the period between 1776 and 1928.

If you are not looking for the most recent developments in research and would rather read a more in-depth exploration of a topic, have a look at a selection of e-books available to you via CityLibrary:

Of course, as always, bear in mind that this is just a small drop in the ocean that is CityLibrary Search: type in your keywords and apply the “Full text online” filter to your results if you wish to see resources available remotely.

As the celebration continues throughout the month, you may also wish to have a look at some of the events on City calendar, like the seminar “Voice and Voices: Feminist oral histories of the Women’s Liberation Movement” on the 22nd of March, or, if the current issues women are facing are of more interest to you, the lecture “The police response to domestic abuse during and after Covid-19” on the 24th of March. Or simply have a look at some of the extraordinary women of City community.

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