Do you want a large amount of historical time series data covering security prices, returns and volume data for stock exchanges in the US like the NYSE, AMEX, ARCA and NASDAQ? CRSP is the dataset for you. It is usually pronounced ‘crisp’ and is hosted on WRDS (pronounced like ‘words’), along with research datasets like Compustat,…Continue Reading CRSP: Center for Research in Security Prices Survivor Bias Free US Mutual Database
Changes to Literature Online
Literature Online (LION) has moved to the Proquest platform and is now cross-searchable with ProQuest journals, newspapers, and other relevant content. The new Literature Online site will be available in parallel with the legacy Literature Online site until August 1, 2019. The new site will be accessible via A-Z Database List and Subject Guides but…Continue Reading Changes to Literature Online
Counseling and Therapy in Video
Counseling and Therapy in Video is an online database which may be of interest to students, researchers and academics from the health and social sciences. The database provides access to videos (in the form of instructions, lectures/presentations and documentaries) which demonstrate the realities and challenges of working with clients and the challenges of putting theoretical…Continue Reading Counseling and Therapy in Video