As part of our exam season offering, Bookable Individual Silent Study Desks will return to Northampton Square Library.

To help you plan and organise your exam preparation, Library Services are offering Bookable Individual Silent Study Desks on weekdays from 30th April – 8th June. Sessions of two or three hours are available from 9am to 9pm. You can book one session a day, with a maximum of two sessions per week. Each session can be booked up to one week in advance. Full terms and conditions are outlined on the bookings page.

The bookable desks are for individual silent study and you can find them on Level 5 (on the right hand side as you enter, just behind the Library Help Desk). Each of the bookable desks is numbered and adorned in the unmistakable and handsome livery of Library Services.

A student surrounded by books and able to concentrate in silence

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