Summer is a great time to expand your mind. During the year, you can find it too busy to read up on all the stuff that has piqued your interest;  but there’s nothing better than taking the time to explore new ideas and find out more about what’s going on. It’s good for inspiration and creativity and if nothing else, you can always get more interesting conversation pieces from reading widely.

Here’s a list of great books from across different subjects that are worth reading.

Ice cone magnifier


  1. Margaret Austin, Rudy Crawford, and Vivien J Armstrong, First aid manual: the authorised manual of St John Ambulance, St Andrews First Aid and the British Red Cross
  2. Jean-Dominique Bauby, The diving-bell and the butterfly
  3. Leonard Bernstein, The unanswered question: six talks at Harvard
  4. Tom Bingham, The rule of law
  5. Michael Blastland and AW Dilnot, The tiger that isn’t: seeing through a world of numbers
  6. James Cameron, Point of departure
  7. Dale Carnegie, How to win friends and influence people
  8. Michel Foucault, Discipline and punish: the birth of the prison
  9. Sigmund Freud, The Penguin Freud reader
  10. James Edward Gordon, Structures, or, Why things don’t fall down
  11. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John “JJ” Jay, The Federalist papers
  12. Andrew Hodges, Alan Turing: the enigma
  13. Helena Kennedy, Eve was framed: women and British justice
  14. Tim Lang and Michael Heasman, Food wars: the global battle for mouths, minds and markets
  15. Harper Lee, To kill a mockingbird
  16. Larry MacDonald, The Bombardier story: from snowmobiles to global transportation powerhouse
  17. David Ogilvy, Confessions of an advertising man: the all-time best seller about advertising
  18. Inderjeet Parmar, Foundations of the American Century : the Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the rise of American power
  19. Sheryl Sandberg, Lean in: women, work, and the will to lead
  20. Mary Seacole, Wonderful adventures of Mrs. Seacole in many lands
  21. Gary Slapper, How the law works
  22. Susan Sontag, Illness as metaphor and: AIDS and its metaphors
  23. Thorstein Veblen, The theory of the leisure class
  24. Dan Ward, The simplicity cycle: a field guide to making things better without making them worse
  25. Alex Wright, Cataloging the world: Paul Otlet and the birth of the information age

(In alphabetical order by first author surname)


Have we missed anything that you would recommend to your fellow students? Tell us in the comments below.



One thought on “25 interdisciplinary books you must read now

  1. Thanks Simon – really great selection. Must get to reading some of these! P.S. the Prince cover always excites me, it looks like its going to be about the great Prince Rogers Nelson.

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