Resource of the month: Oxford Competition Law

Oxford Competition Law (OCL) is a database which combines world-renowned commentaries, authoritative peer-reviewed national case reports and analysis from EU member states. It also includes electronic access to “Bellamy and Child: European Union Law of Competition”, “Whish & Bailey: Competition Law” and “Faull & Nikpay: The EU Law of Competition”.

How do I access it?

You can access it through the library homepage. Click on “Databases A-Z”, filter your search using the drop-down menu “All Subjects” by selecting “Law” and then open “Oxford Competition Law”. Sign in using your City IT credentials.

How do I browse Bellamy & Child, Faull & Nikpay and Whish & Bailey?

The easiest way to access these books is through the top menu on the OCL homepage.

Once you have clicked on a title, e.g. Bellamy & Child, you can sort its content according to your needs. If you want to read the chapters in the order published in the book, you can do so by selecting “Sort by – Table of Contents Order” from the drop-down menu. If you know the chapter’s title or the author, you can sort the results by “Title A-Z” or “Author A-Z”.

When you select a title, both the content of the main book and its eventual supplements will be displayed. If you only wish to browse the supplement, you can remove the main book by clicking on the small “X” next to the title.

Are there other books available on OCL?

Yes, there are currently 14 other books, for example: Antitrust and Patent Law by Alan Devlin; Big Data and Competition Policy by Maurice Stucke and Allen Grunes; and Global Antitrust Compliance Handbook by D. Daniel Sokol, Daniel Crane and Ariel Ezrachi.

To access them, select “Content type” from the top menu and then “Book Content” under Commentary and analysis. To get a comprehensive list of all the titles available, select “Book titles” from the left hand side menu. You can now select the title you are interested in and then click “Update” to get access to the full content of the book. As before, you can sort chapters by title or by table of contents order.









What if I’m doing research on a specific subject?

If you are interested in a specific topic, you can refine your search to find chapters related to it from the different books. From the top menu, click on “Subject” and then select the topic you wish to read about.

How do I print, download and save content?

Print and download buttons can be found on the right hand side below the top menu. You can also create a personal profile, using your City email address, in order to save content and searches.

What other material is on OCL?

OCL also contains case reports, and European and international instruments and materials. If you need more help with your research you can contact Rob Hodgson, Subject Librarian, Law at or Hilary Vieitez, Research Librarian (Law) at

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