So, it’s time to #TakeABreak. You’ve been reading, writing, revising and now you’re in need of a time out, a distraction, something to divert your attention. How about a puzzle?…Continue Reading Take a break, pick up a puzzle
Take a break
It’s that time of the year again when exam revision and coursework deadlines leap to the top of your to-do list. It’s also that time of year when Library Services launches our #TakeABreak campaign. #TakeABreak is about highlighting how taking proper care of yourself can help you achieve better results. That might mean making sure you…Continue Reading Take a break
Take a break
You’re busy revising for your exams. You’re spending a lot of time in the library. And, now that we’re open 24/7 until Friday June 8th you’re able to spend even more time here if you want to. You’re working hard. You’re committed. You’re going to succeed. But it’s important to remember that your health and…Continue Reading Take a break