The exam season is upon us all, and in the midst of all the worrying about the assignment deadlines and assessments it can be easy to forget about taking care of yourself. Here are some of our wellbeing tips:

  • Take a break: look through the window, stretch your legs, do a puzzle for a bit – coming back to your study materials with a fresh eye will make it easier for you to take it all in. If you’re coming to study at the Library, we’ve created a set of puzzles (word search, sudoku, codebreaker…) that you can collect at (or near) the Help Desk of each of the libraries. If you’re not coming to the Library, we have them available online for you as well.
  • Fancy a quick read to take your mind off things? – we’ve set up a Take A Break display of graphic novels on Level 5 of Northampton Square Library, or, if you want to read them online, have a look at the selection of graphic novels available online. If you prefer fiction, have a look at our new resource, OverDrive for fiction e-books. Or, if you prefer to watch a film or a TV programme, make use of Box of Broadcasts.
  • Get those endorphins flowing: going for a quick run or a stretch can help your concentration and the general feeling better about things. If you’re near the campus, you may wish to check out CitySport for discounted gym and classes membership. Or have a look at the workout videos on their YouTube channel.
  • If you are feeling down, have a look at our Wellbeing Library Guide for self-help books. There you will find books selected by health professionals for different conditions and common experiences, like stress, depression, anxiety, sleep and eating disorders, grief and others. Many of these are print books, but if you’re studying remotely or simply prefer reading online, have a look at the selection of e-books below. (You can find a selection of wellbeing books on OverDrive too.)

  •  If you think you would benefit from more support for your mental health, please don’t delay speaking to somebody. City’s Student Counselling and Mental Health support services are there for you to take advantage of. Alternatively, you might like to contact City’s multi-faith Chaplaincy team who offer support for students of all faiths and none. There are also mindfullness drop-in sessions available three times a week, organised by City’s Centre for Excellence in Mindfulness Research.

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