Day: April 30, 2018

Take a break

You’re busy revising for your exams. You’re spending a lot of time in the library. And, now that we’re open 24/7 until Friday June 8th you’re able to spend even more time here if you want to. You’re working hard. You’re committed. You’re going to succeed. But it’s important to remember that your health and…Continue Reading Take a break

Bookable Individual Silent Study Desks return for 24/7 Opening

As part of our exam season offering, Bookable Individual Silent Study Desks will return to Northampton Square Library. To help you plan and organise your exam preparation, Library Services are offering Bookable Individual Silent Study Desks on weekdays from 30th April – 8th June. Sessions of two or three hours are available from 9am to…Continue Reading Bookable Individual Silent Study Desks return for 24/7 Opening