Today is World Mental Health Day. Library Services and the Student Counselling and Mental Health Service have worked collaboratively to bring students and staff a selection of self-help resources which have been displayed together in this new self-help resource page (select the book jacket to find availability in the Library).
This resource includes a large selection of books recommended by Reading Well, books on prescription, a scheme supported by research and endorsed by health professionals. Titles address common issues and mental health conditions and are designed to help you understand and manage your mental health and wellbeing. Resources are intended to be used either as stand-alone self-help or to compliment counselling or mental health support.
If you have any personal or academic matters that are causing you distress or a diagnosed mental health condition, contact the Student Counselling & Mental Health Service for emotional and practical support.
If you are a member of staff the Staff Counselling Service can be accessed through the Occupational Health Service.