A science article with an icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen that reads "Article link. City, University of London"Do you sometimes browse articles on publisher websites rather than on CityLibrary Search? Maybe you notice some research you’d like to read when you’re on PubMed, or Wikipedia, or other sources that are not the CityLibrary website?

If so, we strongly recommend you to install LibKey Nomad browser plug-in. It takes just a few seconds to do, and you don’t need to enter any personal details, just select “City, University of London” as your organisation. Once you have it, whenever you’re looking at an academic article, you’ll be able to tell whether City subscribes to it without going through a log-in process or searching, and you’ll be able to access it much quicker.

A LibKey Nomad screen where there is a drop-down menu where a user is typing in their organisation - City, University of LondonEven if you’ve come across an article that the Library doesn’t subscribe to, LibKey Nomad browser plug-in will tell you if there’s an Open Access version available. Just look out for the green icon at the bottom of the screen. (If you’d like to learn more about finding Open Access content, take a look at our City Research Online Library guide.)

In addition, when you’re looking at lists of references on websites like PubMed or Wikipedia with the LibKey Nomad browser plug-in installed, you’ll be able to instantly tell if there’s a version that you can access either via CityLibrary subscriptions or Open Access. What’s more, if an article has been retracted, the browser plug-in will let you know about that, too.

Here’s an example of what a Wikipedia page looks like with and without LibKey Nomad installed:

If you have any questions about using this browser plug-in, please contact the Library’s E-access team at: e-access@city.ac.uk

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