Category: Library Facilities & services

Find your Library Guide

Our Library Guides bring together the essential resources in your subject area and connect you quickly and easily to information about Library Services. From the Library Guides homepage select your school to see the Subject Guides relevant to you. In each of these guides our Librarians have gathered together the most important resources for you…Continue Reading Find your Library Guide

Resource of the month: ProQuest Refworks

Given up on new year’s resolutions and office decluttering projects but still hoarding lots of research references?  Maybe you would like to try a new reference management software. ProQuest RefWorks  is a new, updated online reference management tool available to Edit Edit visibility staff, students and alumni of City, University of London.  It can be…Continue Reading Resource of the month: ProQuest Refworks

Northampton Square Library Book Drop

The Northampton Square Library book drop has moved to the Level 1 walkway, opposite the staircase leading to the Library and lecture theatre B200. The book drop is only available when the library is closed. During opening hours, please return books either to the service desk, or via the self-service machines on Level 2….Continue Reading Northampton Square Library Book Drop

Colour Me Calm…

Adult colouring books have been some of the bestsellers in recent years… Is it anything to do with growing levels of exam stress?? At City University Library we wanted to join in the craze, and so have created our own colouring pages for you to escape into… As Nick Scott points out in Director magazine,…Continue Reading Colour Me Calm…

Hold Up!

You can place a book on hold when there are no copies available at all or if the only available copies are at other sites. Once a hold is placed, a copy of the desired item will be put aside for you upon its return; or a copy will be transferred from another site for…Continue Reading Hold Up!

Stapling in CityLibrary

Our recent Feedback Wall showed that you are keen to see stapling in CityLibrary.   Well, did you know that you can use the larger combined printers and photocopiers in the library for stapling, too?   The option can be selected from the Printer Properties menu.  From here you can get the printer do many…Continue Reading Stapling in CityLibrary