More Books that is….

City University Library has been running the More Books scheme now for 3 years, and we More Books-01have bought thousands of books through it.

What is it?

Students recommend books that they think should be on our shelves. The book can either be a new title for us to buy, or another copy of one we already stock but that never seems to be available…

All we ask is that it is relevant to your course, and costs less than £80.


We want to stock the books you want to read and find useful; gems that you’ve discovered yourself that won’t necessarily be on your reading list (we always buy those).

By asking you to recommend books, we hope to add to the ones your subject librarians and lecturers order, and create a library collection that everyone feels proud of.


Just fill in the online form. If we can’t purchase your request we will let you know and explain why.

What you said:

“Thank you for running the More Books campaign. I have always wanted to read these books, but I couldn’t find them in the library…”

Recent purchases from More Books:

Forensics: the anatomy of crime written by bestselling crime writer Val McDermid who picks up the scalpel to uncover the secrets of forensic medicine, from the crime scene to the courtroom.

Winning at interview: a new way to succeed.  An interview guide for the 21st century. Alan Jones encourages you to take a radically new approach to preparing for interviews. You can win job offers even when competing with more experienced and better qualified people….

EU Law: Key facts key cases.  A very popular book; the main concepts of your EU law module explained easily. The facts and associated case law for: The constitution of EU law, its institutions, the sources of EU law and the means of enforcement; the relationship with national law; and much more…

Acute nursing care: recognising and responding to medical emergencies. Emphasising the central role and function of the nurse throughout, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the essential issues in emergency care.

Social: why our brains are wired to connect. Matthew Lieberman draws on the latest research in the newly emerging field of social cognitive neuroscience to show that social interaction has moulded the evolution of our brains: we are wired to be social.

Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph. A timeless masterpiece and universally acknowledged as a classic. Nearly half of a century has done nothing to diminish the riveting impact of these pictures or the controversy they inspire. This is the first edition in which the image separations were created digitally.