Financial Times to visit City in February

The Financial Times will be visiting during International City Week in February. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about key international features of the paper including:

  • How to see what’s on the front page of today’s print edition everywhere in the world
  • International columnists and the coverage.

The Financial Times at Northampton Square

Kylie Gammans of the Financial Times will present a lecture on Successful Employability with the Financial Times.

Tuesday 20th February 1.30-2pm Signup for the lecture here:

If you can’t make it to the lecture, you can also speak to Kylie during her drop-in at Northampton Square Library level 2 from 11.15-1pm.

The Financial Times at Cass Business School

The Financial Times will be visiting the Learning Resource Centre at Cass Business School on Thursday 15th February and can be seen at the following times:

Drop-in: 2-3pm

Lecture 3.30-4pm Sign up for the lecture online:

Do you still need to sign up for your free subscription to the Login to using the City Library website and use your City email address to register.  After you’ve registered, you can easily access your account through > login with the details you initially set up.

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