Happy new year and welcome to exam season! Okay, these next few weeks might be stressful for many of you. With that in mind, why not #TakeABreak? You’ll be reading, writing and revising with great intensity, which means you’ll be in need of a time-out: a distraction, something to divert your attention. It could be…Continue Reading #TakeABreak is back for January
Wellbeing self-help resources
Are you thinking about seeking help with your mental health or general wellbeing? If so, have you taken a look at the resources available to you via Library Services?…Continue Reading Wellbeing self-help resources
Take a Break book displays
As part of our #TakeABreak campaign to support you through the busy and sometimes stressful exam period, we have created some book displays with resources designed to help you. Our displays focus on three key areas to help you achieve your best results, read more about each display below. Take a Break – Travel through…Continue Reading Take a Break book displays
#TakeABreak with CityLibrary this Summer
With exam season here again, it’s time for CityLibrary to launch our #TakeABreak campaign. #TakeABreak is about highlighting how taking proper care of yourself can, and will, help you achieve better results….Continue Reading #TakeABreak with CityLibrary this Summer
#TakeABreak and win a prize
You’ve been reading, writing, revising and now you’re in need of a time out, a distraction, something to divert your attention. It’s time to #TakeABreak. How about a puzzle? Over the next few weeks, when you stop to grab a drink or snack, why not pick up one of our perplexing puzzles too? We’ll be…Continue Reading #TakeABreak and win a prize
Take a break, pick up a puzzle
So, it’s time to #TakeABreak. You’ve been reading, writing, revising and now you’re in need of a time out, a distraction, something to divert your attention. How about a puzzle?…Continue Reading Take a break, pick up a puzzle
Food, fitness, fiction and fun: four top tips for surviving the exam period
We’re always impressed with the dedication displayed by City students, especially during the exam period when our libraries are full of focused individuals from morning until midnight. But we’re also keen to make sure you’re all taking of yourself, and of each other, during what can be a stressful time for many: having regular study…Continue Reading Food, fitness, fiction and fun: four top tips for surviving the exam period
Take a break
It’s that time of the year again when exam revision and coursework deadlines leap to the top of your to-do list. It’s also that time of year when Library Services launches our #TakeABreak campaign. #TakeABreak is about highlighting how taking proper care of yourself can help you achieve better results. That might mean making sure you…Continue Reading Take a break
Take a break
You’re busy revising for your exams. You’re spending a lot of time in the library. And, now that we’re open 24/7 until Friday June 8th you’re able to spend even more time here if you want to. You’re working hard. You’re committed. You’re going to succeed. But it’s important to remember that your health and…Continue Reading Take a break
24 hour opening at Northampton Square Library
From Monday 30th of April until midnight on Friday 8th of June the Northampton Square Library will be open 24/7 for you to study around-the-clock. Library staff will be on hand during normal working hours before handing over to our Security colleagues who’ll keep an eye on things until morning: but don’t worry, if you suddenly think…Continue Reading 24 hour opening at Northampton Square Library