Year: 2018

Your top 10 most borrowed books also available online

Print books are great, but sometimes they can be incredibly popular- so what can you do if the title you want is in high demand? One option is to access the book digitally. We have access to thousands of e-books, including those Essential items on your Reading Lists. We’ve crunched the numbers to find out…Continue Reading Your top 10 most borrowed books also available online

New Resource – Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford DNB) is the national record of men and women who have shaped British history and culture, worldwide, from the Romans to the 21st century. The Oxford DNB includes 60,000 biographies, 11,000 portraits and 250 podcasts. The biographies are concise, up-to-date and written by named, specialist authors. It is overseen…Continue Reading New Resource – Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

City’s institutional repository receives a makeover

This week, City Library is excited to unveil the new and improved City Research Online (CRO), the open access repository showcasing research by City staff and research students. Learn more about the changes on our citylibresearchers blog.  …Continue Reading City’s institutional repository receives a makeover

The Practising Midwife: online access

The Practising Midwife, a key peer reviewed journal for students and staff working in maternity services, is now available to read online via the Library website. Individual full-text articles can be discovered using CityLibrary Search, or you can browse to a specific issue via our Journals A-Z: simply log-in using your City Username and Password…Continue Reading The Practising Midwife: online access

New online resource – Times Higher Education (THE)

Library Services are pleased to announce that all City staff and students now have access to the Times Higher Education (THE) online. The THE contains global higher education coverage including world university rankings, news, opinions and features. Read online articles, digital editions and download the app to your device. To set up your Times Higher…Continue Reading New online resource – Times Higher Education (THE)

Oxford Legal Research Library

Library services now gives you access to the Oxford Legal Research Library online platform, where you can read over 90 books on four different areas: International Commercial Arbitration, International Commercial Law, Financial Banking, and Private International Law. What titles are available? A few titles are relevant, whether you’re a postgraduate student, an undergraduate or a…Continue Reading Oxford Legal Research Library

Update to PI Navigator

On Monday 21st May, PI Navigator was retired for a new database: Filings Expert. How does this change affect you? From Monday 21st May, PI Navigator is longer accessible, and login credentials for PI Navigator  will no longer work. If you need to access PI Navigator in (or indeed a database with company accounts), please…Continue Reading Update to PI Navigator

A witness in the archive: Paris, May 1968

From the archives: 1968 has become synonymous with radicalism.    1968 around the world Around the world, in 1968, people began protesting. Several countries in Eastern Europe experienced major unrest. In Czech, the Prague Spring was a hopeful period of liberalisation, artistic exploration and democratisation. The Civil Rights and Anti-War movements in the US ramped…Continue Reading A witness in the archive: Paris, May 1968

Take a break

You’re busy revising for your exams. You’re spending a lot of time in the library. And, now that we’re open 24/7 until Friday June 8th you’re able to spend even more time here if you want to. You’re working hard. You’re committed. You’re going to succeed. But it’s important to remember that your health and…Continue Reading Take a break

24 hour opening at Northampton Square Library

From Monday 30th of April until midnight on Friday 8th of June the Northampton Square Library will be open 24/7 for you to study around-the-clock. Library staff will be on hand during normal working hours before handing over to our Security colleagues who’ll keep an eye on things until morning: but don’t worry, if you suddenly think…Continue Reading 24 hour opening at Northampton Square Library