Library Staff Love #7: Bloomberg

By Rubenstein [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
No, not former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. I mean, it’s not that we don’t like him, he’s probably lovely: we’re just not acquainted.

No, we’re talking about Bloomberg: the business and financial resource. Which is exciting, as to use it you need to access special machines with all kinds of buttons and two screens (and there’s this really cool feature involving little ships).

Bloomberg is the latest selection for our Library Staff Love feature and was chosen by Catie our Subject Librarian for Undergraduate Business courses. Here’s Catie on Bloomberg:

“Do you ever wonder how Apple’s share price compared with the sales of the iPhone in the last year? We do too!

Bloomberg lets you get this information quickly and easily. It’s highly compatible with Microsoft Excel, and will give you the most up to date share prices available from any resource.

But wait, there’s more!

Get economic, industry, and historic currency and exchange rate data. With Bloomberg you can find career, salary and net worth information about key individuals and financials of publicly traded companies without having to read through hundreds of pages of financial statements. Bloomberg even lets you make restaurant reservations, shop for luxury goods, and find and connect with professionals in your chosen field.

To use it, just sign up on a Bloomberg terminal near you. Use Bloomberg in the Financial Resources Suite at Northampton Square Library or at Cass in the Bloomberg Dealing Room or the Financial Resources Zone. Book a database terminal now!”

If you would like more information on using Bloomberg, Catie has information on her Library Guides, as well as her contact details if you’ve got any more questions.

Thanks for the suggestion Catie!