Tag: Wellbeing

Remember to #TakeABreak this January

London skyline colouring-in template. Text reads: "Tag @cityunilibrary to share on Instagram."

Happy new year and welcome to 2025! We hope you feel (somewhat) rested and ready to go for the busy term ahead. This month especially might be stressful for many of you with coursework, exams and related deadlines. With that in mind, please remember to #TakeABreak….Continue Reading Remember to #TakeABreak this January

#TakeABreak with CityLibrary

Puzzles, colouring pencils and templates, post-it notes and

With assessment season happening again, we’re launching launch our #TakeABreak campaign. #TakeABreak is about highlighting how taking proper care of yourself can, and will, help you achieve better results. Whether it’s taking regular breaks, going for a walk, having a nutritious snack, or leaving early to get home for a good night’s sleep, looking after…Continue Reading #TakeABreak with CityLibrary

Take a Break book displays

Bookshelves containing book displays for Travel through time, wellbeing and study skills.

As part of our #TakeABreak campaign to support you through the busy and sometimes stressful exam period, we have created some book displays with resources designed to help you. Our displays focus on three key areas to help you achieve your best results, read more about each display below. Take a Break – Travel through…Continue Reading Take a Break book displays

Take a break

Image of puzzles and sudokus

It’s that time of the year again when exam revision and coursework deadlines leap to the top of your to-do list. It’s also that time of year when Library Services launches our #TakeABreak campaign. #TakeABreak is about highlighting how taking proper care of yourself can help you achieve better results. That might mean making sure you…Continue Reading Take a break