With assessment season happening again, we’re launching launch our #TakeABreak campaign.
#TakeABreak is about highlighting how taking proper care of yourself can, and will, help you achieve better results.
Whether it’s taking regular breaks, going for a walk, having a nutritious snack, or leaving early to get home for a good night’s sleep, looking after your health and wellbeing is a crucial component for academic success.
To help you cope with a busy and stressful time of year, watch out for our:
- Tips and ideas to help you manage mental and physical stress levels
- Freebies & giveaways
- CityLibrary staff’s popular culture recommendations
- Reminders about our extended opening times
- Puzzles and mindful activities
- Uplifting social media content.
Please also remember: if you are feeling overwhelmed and need to talk to someone, there are lots of ways to get support at City via the Student Union, Chaplaincy, Student Health & Wellbeing, and of course Library Staff.
When you do take a break from studying, why not share your experiences with us on Instagram (#TakeABreak) to let us, or your friends and family, know how you’re getting on.
Good luck everyone, keep take care of yourselves (and each other)!