Book an appointment with a librarian

Subject Librarians at Northampton Square offer 1 to 1 meetings where you can discuss your specialist research needs or get help with literature searching, using e-resources or citing and referencing. 

You can now book an appointment with a librarian online by visiting or accessing your specific Subject Guide. When booking an appointment you will be asked to select a specific date and time and answer a few questions about the research you’ve done so far.


Each librarian has their own set of expert skills so before making a booking click the i symbol next to their name to make sure they have the right knowledge to help you. 

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Once the appointment is made you will receive a booking confirmation and a reminder via email. If you can’t keep the appointment, please cancel in good time.

What we are not permitted to do

Librarians cannot  proof read or correct your written work. If you need support in essay planning or writing skills please contact Academic Learning Support