Category: Library Resources

More Books: You choose, we’re all ears

We're all ears (poster featuring an image of a furry animal's ears, possibly wallaby).

Since 2013, CityLibrary has given students the chance to help choose the books we have through the More Books scheme.  So far, just over 2000 books have been bought.   You can find a selection of these on display on Levels 4 and 5 of the Northampton Square Library, as well as below in our virtual…Continue Reading More Books: You choose, we’re all ears

The Annual Register: a record of world events

Annual register - basic search 2

The Annual Register is a year-by-year record of British and world events, published annually since 1758. From 1758 to 1789, Edmund Burke was the editor and main contributor to this publication.  The Annual Register, as well as being a record of events, used to include reviews of important books, reproduction of state papers, historical sketches,…Continue Reading The Annual Register: a record of world events

CEPR Discussion Papers

Screenshot of CEPR Discussion Papers

The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) is an independent, non-profit organisation, that was founded in 1983 “to enhance the quality of economic policy-making within Europe and beyond, by fostering high quality, policy-relevant economic research, and disseminating it widely to decision-makers in the public and private sectors.” The CEPR’s network of Research Fellows and Affiliates…Continue Reading CEPR Discussion Papers

CRSP: Center for Research in Security Prices Survivor Bias Free US Mutual Database

Screenshot of CRSP homepage

Do you want a large amount of historical time series data covering security prices, returns and volume data for stock exchanges in the US like the NYSE, AMEX, ARCA and NASDAQ? CRSP is the dataset for you. It is usually pronounced ‘crisp’ and is hosted on WRDS (pronounced like ‘words’), along with research datasets like Compustat,…Continue Reading CRSP: Center for Research in Security Prices Survivor Bias Free US Mutual Database

Changes to Literature Online

LION Homepage

Literature Online (LION) has moved to the Proquest platform and is now cross-searchable with ProQuest journals, newspapers, and other relevant content.  The new Literature Online site will be available in parallel with the legacy Literature Online site until August 1, 2019. The new site will be accessible via A-Z Database List and Subject Guides but…Continue Reading Changes to Literature Online

Counseling and Therapy in Video

Screenshot of Counseling and Therapy in video

Counseling and Therapy in Video is an online database which may be of interest to students, researchers and academics from the health and social sciences. The database provides access to videos (in the form of instructions, lectures/presentations and documentaries) which demonstrate the realities and challenges of working with clients and the challenges of putting theoretical…Continue Reading Counseling and Therapy in Video

CityLibrary’s online resource access and use policy

Library Services has developed an Online Resource Access and Use Policy to ensure a clear relationship between the provision of online resources and City’s Education and Student Strategy and Research and Enterprise Strategy. By providing clarification around licence agreement requirements, user access level rights and the acceptable use of subscribed online resources, the policy aims…Continue Reading CityLibrary’s online resource access and use policy

Take a closer look at e-books

Screenshot of CityLibrary search results screen showing titles with an e-book available.

You’ve probably noticed that many of the items on your reading lists come as e-books. E-books are great in several ways: They’re available 24/7 They can be accessed on and off campus They’re often great for readers using assistive software You won’t ever have to worry about forgetting to renew them on time You can…Continue Reading Take a closer look at e-books

S&P Global Market Intelligence

S&P Global Market Intelligence is a really useful database for getting in-depth information about financial institutions. Key features include: In-depth financial statements Credit ratings information from S&P, Moody’s and Fitch Market Intelligence Research Financial news and alerts. For those studying banking, finance or investment, S&P Global Market Intelligence is a gem. That’s because it provides…Continue Reading S&P Global Market Intelligence


Screenshot of the ASTM database

Don’t forget when researching your engineering and computer science projects that City Library has a subscription to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) database. Content This database contains over 30,000 standards and the journals of the Society which cover  a wide range of subjects, including regulation of areas such as cyber crime. Active…Continue Reading ASTM (SEDL)