In celebration of Pride month, CityLibrary has all kinds of resources to explore this June. Whether you want to learn about the history of the movement or catch up on a beautifully told fictional story, there’s something for everyone. Kanopy has plenty of interesting leisure viewing, with some of the standouts being Derek…Continue Reading Pride at CityLibrary
Wellbeing self-help resources
Are you thinking about seeking help with your mental health or general wellbeing? If so, have you taken a look at the resources available to you via Library Services?…Continue Reading Wellbeing self-help resources
Films on Kanopy: as recommended by CityLibrary staff
Some of you might remember our blogpost and book display from last year, where we surveyed all the lovely librarians working at CityLibrary about their favourite novels from the Library’s collection. This time, we wanted to find out what everyone’s favourite cinematographic finds on Kanopy were. The result is a vibrant playlist of a great…Continue Reading Films on Kanopy: as recommended by CityLibrary staff
#LibraryEurovision: Library celebrates Eurovision
It’s the middle of exam season when the going tends to get tough, so we wanted to try and bring you some light-hearted joy to make you smile and allow you to #TakeABreak from studies for a bit. As the UK is hosting one of the biggest pop culture events in the the world –…Continue Reading #LibraryEurovision: Library celebrates Eurovision
Have a right Royal weekend with CityLibrary resources
Happy Coronation weekend to all of you celebrating the crowning of King Charles III. Did you know, you can find tons of Royal-themed content in our collections?…Continue Reading Have a right Royal weekend with CityLibrary resources
Take a Break book displays
As part of our #TakeABreak campaign to support you through the busy and sometimes stressful exam period, we have created some book displays with resources designed to help you. Our displays focus on three key areas to help you achieve your best results, read more about each display below. Take a Break – Travel through…Continue Reading Take a Break book displays
#TakeABreak with CityLibrary this Summer
With exam season here again, it’s time for CityLibrary to launch our #TakeABreak campaign. #TakeABreak is about highlighting how taking proper care of yourself can, and will, help you achieve better results….Continue Reading #TakeABreak with CityLibrary this Summer
Beyond the headlines: Resources on Ukraine
As the UK observes a national moment of silence on the 24th of February to mark a year’s anniversary of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, we wanted to collate some of the useful resources about the country that you can access through the Library and beyond. You might be looking for sources for some of…Continue Reading Beyond the headlines: Resources on Ukraine
Tell us what you think. Our feedback campaign, Library Loves Feedback (#LibraryLovesFeedback) is back and runs for two weeks from today….Continue Reading #LibraryLovesFeedback
#TakeABreak: Develop an affection for the National Theatre Collection
The National Theatre Collection, available via Alexander Street Press, features videos of exceptional performances, scripts, and exclusive archive materials, providing greater context and background to the various productions featured….Continue Reading #TakeABreak: Develop an affection for the National Theatre Collection