Tag: The City Law School

CityLibrary’s online, you’re feeling fine

We want to make sure you’re able to access and use all the online Library resources and services available to you working remotely. There are lots of ways you can get support 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including:…Continue Reading CityLibrary’s online, you’re feeling fine

COVID-19 in America: Response, Issues, and Law

COVID-19 in America: Response, Issues, and Law is a brand new database available via HeinOnline focusing on issues related to the ongoing global pandemic from a U.S. perspective….Continue Reading COVID-19 in America: Response, Issues, and Law

Time for fiction?

An image of a past book display of fiction books at Northampton Square Library, entitled "United in Literature", along with hands forming a heart symbol

If you are lucky enough to have some time off during the summer, your thoughts might turn to books you’ve wished to read for a long time, or maybe to simply losing yourself in some attention-grabbing fiction to forget about all else and completely recharge. The Library now offers a Click & Collect service for…Continue Reading Time for fiction?

Finding your dream job

An image of a careers book display in the library

Now that the summer’s here and you have less on your plate studies-wise, it can be a good time not only to have a breather, but also to take a moment and focus on the bigger picture. What is the job you would like to land after your studies? What are the tips and tricks…Continue Reading Finding your dream job

Taking the time to look after yourself

Full text online filtering image

Being in the midst of a global pandemic is not easy for anybody. Having to study or work from home, not seeing friends and family in person, and worrying about our loved ones and our own health makes this a difficult time for all of us….Continue Reading Taking the time to look after yourself

New e-books to help you study at home

We’re constantly updating our collections so that you can access the best resources possible. Over the last few weeks we have been busy adding new e-books to CityLibrary Search: some of these are brand new titles, including those chosen by you through one of our Recommend a book for purchase schemes; others are digital versions…Continue Reading New e-books to help you study at home

Extra online resources – temporary access

In order to support students, academics and researchers during the coronavirus pandemic, a number of academic publishers are choosing to make some of their content temporarily free to access online. We’ve created a special Library Guide to highlight the resources which are now available to you, with instructions on how to access them if a…Continue Reading Extra online resources – temporary access

Keep calm and carry on recommending digital books for us to purchase

Our More Books, Read for Research and Liberating CityLibrary schemes are open for business. If there’s a title we don’t have in the collection which you think we should, tell us. Each scheme is different, so chose the option which best meets your needs: More Books (students only) Tell us what’s missing from the collections,…Continue Reading Keep calm and carry on recommending digital books for us to purchase

CityLibrary online

Books on Level 3 Northampton Square

The buildings might be closed but CityLibrary is most definitely open. Whatever help you need accessing and using Library resources and services, there are lots of ways you can get it, including: Online Chat We have extended our Online Chat service so you can now speak to a member of Library staff online from 9am…Continue Reading CityLibrary online

Reduced hours

Library themed word cloud.

Library Services is 100% committed to supporting both the study needs and wellbeing of all of our students, staff and library users. With this in mind, we’re making a number of changes to how we do things in order to make sure your access to resources and services continues with as minimal disruption as possible…Continue Reading Reduced hours