Janina Dewitz, Barking and Dagenham College @Moodlemoot 2011

Initially providing;
- 1 size fits all training
- Demand driven group training
- Ad hoc 121
- constant cycle of retraining.
- doing work for the lecturer
So…they redesigned their training scheme
- Screencasts, help sheets, FAQs
- Sent staff video tutorials instead of showing them
Essentials for teachers and admin – BADC Module Essentials Lite
- Moodle based course short course, 3 x 90mins of independent study
- Suitable as distance course
- Support forum, chat room – building up the staff to mentor others (Moodle champions)
- Layouts, themes, navigation
- Creative commons, copyright
- Play area for practice
- Posted links, videos in forums to get people in discussions.
- Demoed the value of the tools.
- Insisted on no questions outside of session. Put them in the forum, those who have already access given 24 hrs to answer question before they answer.
- Attendees pick one aspect they have enjoyed and book on 1hr, 1 task, high impact training session to build confidence
At BADC every course must contain these some means of communication, variety of module materials, means of assessment.
Southampton have created a medal block with means staff can earn medals depending on how they have executed the criteria. This created competition and motivated and engaged staff and led to more interaction with students.
Suggestions from the audience;
For creating guidance notes;
Screensteps – Screen capture software – Can export to PDF and blog and can get people to comment costs £20
Problem steps – its free and you can put in diff formats for reporting problems to techies but also does screen casts.
Contact Janina Dewitz – @elearningtechie