Day: December 9, 2011

Piloting Innovative and Excellent Teaching and Learning Spaces

LDC in consultation with the Learning Spaces Group(LSG) has recently had a Business Case approved to review rooms that are under-utilised within the campus. The LDC will be leading on redesigning a number of rooms in College Building, Northampton Square Campus to create spaces for students and staff which promote active and highly interactive learning…Continue Reading Piloting Innovative and Excellent Teaching and Learning Spaces

A day in the life of a Teaching Pod

Its been an interesting journey for the Pod. It all started way back in 2006 when a Classroom Experience initiative brought in over £1.4M to purchase over 80 Pods for the Northampton Square campus! Over the years, these pods became problematic and a number of issues were being reported through the Classroom Experience Steering Group. …Continue Reading A day in the life of a Teaching Pod