Future Lecturing Spaces Design Forum, 20 Sept 2012

The Learning Development Centre  and Property & Facilities  would like to invite staff and students to a drop in session to share ideas, thoughts and views on what you would like from future lecturing spaces at City. We want to hear from you about your lecturing, your learning, and how the spaces around you can better support you. We’re constructing the session so that people can dip in for a few minutes and give their ideas, or stay longer to talk to the architects or members of Properties and Facilities or the LDC about the wider topic of Learning Spaces.

The event will be held on Thursday 20 September 3pm – 5pm in A110 (College Building), over tea and cake. Please drop in to view the exhibition of exciting and innovative spaces from other institutions,  visuals of what some of our new spaces could look like together with  samples of furniture that may be used.  Please take the opportunity to talk to the  architect who is helping design our new spaces and talk to members of the Learning Spaces Group about the work they have done on lecture spaces and collaborative learning.   It should be a vibrant and inter-active session.

If you would like to attend for catering purposes please RSVP to Marcia Rose – Marcia.Rose.1.city.ac.uk

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