In April, I had the lucky opportunity to attend the Association of Learning Development in Higher Education’s (ALDinHE) annual conference, where themes such as ownership and identity of learning development departments were discussed and explored through a series of lectures and workshops. The keynote speaker was Etienne Wenger-Treyner (EWT), a social learning theorist whose work…Continue Reading ALDinHE Annual Conference 2014: Learning Development Spaces and Places
SEDA Spring, Teaching, Learning and Assessment 2014
Engaging Students: Engaging Staff which took place on 15th May 2014 -16th May 2014 at the Copthorne Hotel, Newcastle. This was a really stimulating conference with both staff and students presenting about their activities and projects. The conference was opened by a keynote from Dan Derricott from the…Continue Reading SEDA Spring, Teaching, Learning and Assessment 2014
Walking Reading Group

As part of further exploring walking and learning as an educational tool, I joined an East London Walking Reading Group on Participation. Across four free events, groups of interested people, often participants have arts or education backgrounds, come together to walk for around two hours and discuss issues surrounding participation, engagement, collaboration and social practice. The…Continue Reading Walking Reading Group
Changing the Learning Landscape

Changing the Learning Landscape is tasked with enabling higher education institutions in England to bring about change in their strategic approaches to technology in learning and teaching. It is a partnership between the Association for Learning Technology, the Higher Education Academy, JISC, the National Union of Students and the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education. The partnership is funded by Hefce. Susannah Quinsee, Annemarie Cancienne,…Continue Reading Changing the Learning Landscape
Digital Filmmaking: A Practical Introduction
This short course (10 weeks) was an excellent introduction to digital filmmaking. It began with a detailed analysis of film techniques and finished off with us making a short, edited scene. The final session was given over to the all-important screening of our work. What succeeded was the way our understanding of filmmaking was built…Continue Reading Digital Filmmaking: A Practical Introduction
Dealing Effectively with Student Complaints Seminar
White Paper Conferences organised a day on various issues surrounding student complaints. This was obviously a popular topic as the location changed before the day due to the numbers of people attending! The day was framed around a series of speakers from different aspects of the complaints process – from the QAA, OIA to University…Continue Reading Dealing Effectively with Student Complaints Seminar
MELSIG on 14 April 14: Smart Devices for Learning #3 by Martin Agombar & Fariha Afgan
MELSIG are a popular and active group who meet to discuss the latest developments in media-enhanced learning. They have their own blog and organise a wide variety of events and activities. We went to their Smart Devices for Learning #3 event at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU). The preceding two events in this series were at…Continue Reading MELSIG on 14 April 14: Smart Devices for Learning #3 by Martin Agombar & Fariha Afgan