MoodleMoot 2017

The annual MoodleMoot is a great opportunity to come together to share experiences on using Moodle.


My highlight of this year’s Moot was Rebecca Barrington’s presentation on how to put the ‘oo’ back in Moodle. Rebecca, Head of e-Learning at the Cornwall College Group, shared her tips on how to get users excited by Moodle again. This really resonated with me. As City has been a Moodle user since 2010, it is easy to focus on negatives in Moodle, rather than the potential. At LEaD, we will be thinking about ways that we can help staff see the possibilities of Moodle and provide more opportunities for staff to share their practice in online course and activity design.

Key takeaways

Course Design

Learning analytics was a big theme this year, and of particular interest is how successful students use the VLE. At City we are interested in how we can use this to help inform effective course design.

Continuing on the course design theme Lewis Carr, AdaptiVLE Ltd, presented six steps for excellence in the design of learning content:

  • Content and performance need alignment.
  • Content innovation.
  • Media and learning.
  • Interactivity.
  • Content optimisation.
  • Learner engagement.

There was lots of talk about using H5P for building interactive content for Moodle. We’ve requested this plugin for our Moodle Development environment and are very excited to explore the potential of this prior to our annual Moodle update.

Moodle 3.2

Mary Cooch, Moodle Community Educator, provided a well timed insight into Competency Based Education (CBE). We’ve switched this feature on in our Moodle Development environment, but were struggling to understand the roles required to support a CBE framework. Mary’s session really helped us understand what’s required.

Mary also talked us through some new features in Moodle 3.1 and Moodle 3.2 which can make a positive impact on staff and students.

My Moodle Covet Corner

Ove Ritola and Timo Salonen, University of Vaasa, presented on their Moodle Dashboard to provide a streamlined student experience. We are still talking about how well this was designed and what a useful resource it is for students.

City presentations

My colleague Natalia Czuba and I presented on what we discovered about Moodle. We presented findings from our Moodle evaluation with staff and student users. We outlined the development of a new grade report plugin, by our colleagues in ERES, to improve the visibility of feedback on assessments for students.

Cass lecturers, Professor Clive Holtham and Dr. Martin Rich, presented on making innovative simulation learning happen through community and collaboration.

It was a great MoodleMoot. I left with lots of practical ideas and timely advice that will help with our update to Moodle 3.2 on 27th June.


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