Call for case studies on assessment and/or feedback

A good practice guide – How to be excellent at Assessment and Feedback

This year is the 10th year of the Learning at City Conference and to celebrate this and all the good practice that takes place across the institution we are launching an annual Good Practice Guide that will be published as a booklet and given to all conference attendees as well as being available on the LEaD website.

We are therefore inviting submissions of case studies focused on assessment and /or feedback practice. These should be between 1500 – 2500 words each with a picture or graphic that links to your case study and with any references to theory which support your practice. These will be reviewed by a panel comprised of Principal and Senior Fellows of the Higher Education Academy.  We would like to showcase bother undergraduate and postgraduate practice.

Submit your case study

The Closing date for submitting case studies is Wednesday 7th March 2018.

Criteria for acceptance of Case Studies

Each case study will be reviewed for acceptance against the following criteria:

  • Clearly demonstrates good practice in assessment practice and/or feedback;
  • Clarity and coherence of the case study;
  • Evidence of relevance to others across the University and beyond;
  • Use of scholarship to support good practice.


Case studies should be submitted as a word document of between 1500 – 2500 words.
Your submission should be in the following format:

  • Summary
  • Context
  • Details of the case study
  • Successes
  • Challenges
  • Future actions (if any)
  • References

Please include (high quality) pictures or graphics to highlight your case study.
References to theory which supports your practice should also be included.

Feedback and Guidance

Once the case study has been peer reviewed feedback will be sent to you by Friday 13th April 2018 and any amendments that are needed should be attended to and then the case study resubmitted by Monday 30th April 2018.

If you would like to discuss your case study prior to submission please contact Professor Pam Parker:

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