Are you interested in learning more about hybrid teaching and how to implement it effectively? Our Community of Practice brings together like-minded educators who are keen on exploring new ways of teaching and learning with ISLA technology.
During this CoP, we will be hearing from Marc Mimler, programme director of the LLM, who recently transitioned to a fully hybrid model of delivery. Marc referred to the transition of using ISLA in the LLM as “challenging and requiring some fresh thinking. It encouraged us to rethink how we can deliver our content to students on campus and all around the world in a stimulating and engaging way.”
Whether you’re an experienced hybrid teacher, just starting out, or considering using ISLA spaces for your teaching, our community will provide a supportive and collaborative space for you to learn and develop your practice. We’re pleased to share with you our ISLA Case Study video, which highlights the benefits of joining our ISLA community of practice. In this video, you’ll hear from Dr. Rebecca Wells, who has already incorporated hybrid teaching into her Food Policy MSc course.
Join us in Whiskin St FG05 or Teams at 10am on Tuesday 18th June 2024 for the fourth ISLA teaching Community of Practice at City.
Contact Robert Crammond for an invitation