Dominic Pates and I will be delighted to welcome Professor Martin Weller to the LEaD Writing Group later this week. Martin is Professor of Educational Technology at the Open University, and will be joining us to talk about ‘Blogging as First Draft’. We’ll find out more about how he uses blogging as a way to explore ideas that later end up in book form. Martin’s latest book ‘Metaphors of Ed Tech’ is available here from Athabasca University Press. The session will take place on Zoom and takes place on Feb 2nd 12:00 – 13:00.
The session is open to all but may well be of interest to those studying on the Masters in Academic Practice at City and taking the educational technology related module, EDM122: Digital Literacies and Open Practice – where Martin’s work on digital scholarship is highly recommended.
Looking forward to seeing some of you on Thursday. Please do register via LibCal if you wish to join us.