Category: Conferences & Events

Moodle 2 in UK HE event

Moodle 2 in UK HE event              20th June 2011 This event brought together UK HE Moodle users with a ‘strategic’ or ‘technical interest’ at the Open University campus in Milton Keynes.  Four City University representatives attended with a view to gaining information and contacts to contribute to our decision to pilot and implement Moodle…Continue Reading Moodle 2 in UK HE event

Presenting Higher Education Research in Pecha Kucha format

ECE11 Abstract

In just over 2 weeks time, I will be presenting like I have never presented before. Never before have I had to follow conference rules on what presentation tool to use and more importantly HOW TO USE IT! I will be forced to use PowerPoint slides, which may not sound too radical to some people…Continue Reading Presenting Higher Education Research in Pecha Kucha format

National Centre for Social Research (NatCen)

The Analysis of Qualitative Data. I attended this two-day workshop to extend and refine my skills in qualitative data analysis (QDA). Facilitated by three experienced NatCen researchers in the area of applied social research, the workshop used a wide range of recent studies to introduce the range of skills required to handle large qualitative data…Continue Reading National Centre for Social Research (NatCen)

Viewpoints Learning Design Workshop

This is a brief report on a half day curriculum design workshop hosted here at City University London. The workshop was facilitated by Dr Alan Masson from the University of Ulster and showcased JISC- funded materials and a handbook for promoting curriculum design workshops for academic and other interested staff. The materials are intended to…Continue Reading Viewpoints Learning Design Workshop

Student Voice Award 2010: Elliot Schatzberger, City Law School

Elliot Schatzberger won a student nominated Student Voice Award for the City Law School in 2010. Students reported that: “Elliot Schatzberger is an excellent teacher.  He is not only good at engaging students, but ensures that every word he says sticks in the minds of his pupils.  He is thorough and goes at a great…Continue Reading Student Voice Award 2010: Elliot Schatzberger, City Law School

Is text messaging dead?

Earlier in May I was invited to give a keynote presentation at the TxtTools Conference Lets Talk about Txt Conference which was being hosted at the University.  TxtTools is a system that enables mass notification of students (or users) via text messaging. It can also enable you to post text messages to a predetermined number…Continue Reading Is text messaging dead?

Digital researcher event. British Library 16.05.2011.

Hosted by Vitae This was a fascinating series of 6 presentations about different aspects of digital research, followed by a tour of the British Library’s Growing Knowledge exhibition where some of the tools under development for the next stage of the digital revolution were demonstrated to us. All of the presentations were valuable, but…Continue Reading Digital researcher event. British Library 16.05.2011.

Best practices in Moodle course design

Michelle Moore, Remote Learner @ Moodlemoot 2011 Michelle provided some invaluable tips on setting up your Moodle module. Strongly agree with points 3 and 10!  Top 10 tips! Don’t use more than 3 font styles. It increases cognitive load for your learners. Students spend to much time processing info. Maintain consistency. Don’t use course page for your…Continue Reading Best practices in Moodle course design

Moodle Training for 500 Academics

Janina Dewitz, Barking and Dagenham College @Moodlemoot 2011 Initially providing; 1 size fits all training Demand driven group training Ad hoc 121 Negative impact; constant cycle of retraining. doing work for the lecturer So…they redesigned their training scheme Basics Screencasts, help sheets, FAQs Sent staff video tutorials instead of showing them Essentials for teachers and…Continue Reading Moodle Training for 500 Academics

Grainne Conole from Open University @ Moodlemoot 2011

New Pedagogies for Social and Participatory Media Conole’s keynote explored open resources for enhancing teaching and learning. How increased use of the extensive open and online tools that are available could enable us to build on each others ideas and research. She promotes the idea of mixing the use of closed institutional tools with open…Continue Reading Grainne Conole from Open University @ Moodlemoot 2011