A few months ago I was honoured to find out I had been appointed to the Intellectual Property Office’s governance group, the Copyright Advisory Panel. This group is largely made up of senior representatives from the creative industries and I am the first member of the group to represent the higher education sector. The Panel…Continue Reading Copyright, technology and teaching
Understanding Critical Digital Pedagogy
This is a guest post, from Prof Leigh A Hall of the University of Wyoming, on Critical Digital Pedagogy. Critical Digital Pedagogy (CDP) is a philosophical approach to teaching that applies concepts of critical pedagogy within a digital context. Under a critical pedagogical approach, we want to create experiences that allow students opportunities to question and challenge dominant beliefs…Continue Reading Understanding Critical Digital Pedagogy
Team-based Quizzing with Poll Everywhere
INTRODUCING SEGMENTED QUIZZING Keen to try and add some team-based gaming elements to your teaching, but not sure where to start? Feel like you’ve taken Poll Everywhere about as far as you can in your classes, but would still like to take it to a next level? I might have just this thing for you….Continue Reading Team-based Quizzing with Poll Everywhere
New Flexible Learning and Open Access PC Spaces at City, University of London
The Drysdale Ground floor is one of the most heavily utlised spaces on the City, University of London campus. With over 200 open access student PC spaces and five PC teaching labs the floor has been completely remodeled, refreshed and updated to meet the needs of our students, and provide new, flexible learning spaces. …Continue Reading New Flexible Learning and Open Access PC Spaces at City, University of London
‘I’ll Skype You In’ – LEaD event for International City Week
Do you use tools like Skype or Adobe Connect in your teaching or collaborative research? Have you ever tried to bring a remote speaker into a seminar, or attempted a live collaboration between people at different sites? How well do your webinars run, when all participants are dispersed across different sites? On Wednesday Feb 21st…Continue Reading ‘I’ll Skype You In’ – LEaD event for International City Week
A fresh view on Learning Spaces
Let me first start by introducing myself. I have recently completed my degree in Civil Engineering with Architecture and joined the LEaD team as a winter intern at City, supervised by Julie Voce, Head of Educational Technology and I met Sheila Egan who is the Learning Spaces Lead, part of the Educational Technology Team…Continue Reading A fresh view on Learning Spaces
Active Learning & Teaching Conference, Anglia Ruskin University 12.9.17 #altalc
Following the success of our workshop on The Pedagogy of Space, Dom Pates and I were invited to present at Anglia Ruskin’s Active Learning Conference It was very successful with an encouraging level of engagement from delegates, shown below engaged with our two activities. The first activity was to evaluate two learning spaces whist adopting…Continue Reading Active Learning & Teaching Conference, Anglia Ruskin University 12.9.17 #altalc
Call for case studies on assessment and/or feedback
A good practice guide – How to be excellent at Assessment and Feedback This year is the 10th year of the Learning at City Conference and to celebrate this and all the good practice that takes place across the institution we are launching an annual Good Practice Guide that will be published as a booklet and…Continue Reading Call for case studies on assessment and/or feedback
School of Arts and Social Sciences – Video Case Studies
Throughout 2017, the Educational Technology Team in the School of Arts and Social Sciences collected a number of case studies highlighting the efforts of Lecturers to make their teaching and learning more engaging and pedagogically sound with the use of educational technologies. One of these case studies looked at the work of an International Politics…Continue Reading School of Arts and Social Sciences – Video Case Studies
Call for Abstracts – Learning at City Conference 2018
The tenth annual Learning at City Conference will take place on Wednesday 20th June 2018 at City, University of London. The call for abstracts is now open and closes at midnight on March 7th 2018. Find out more and submit your abstract The overall theme for the conference focuses on Assessment and Feedback for Learning….Continue Reading Call for Abstracts – Learning at City Conference 2018