Category: Learning & Teaching

First SHS Simulated Practice Showcase July 2016

On the 13th July, Janet Hunter welcomed members of the School of Health Sciences (SHS), School of Arts and Social Sciences and Cass Business School to the first SHS Simulated Practice Showcase. Neal Sumner (LEaD) facilitated the session and lead the concluding discussion. @JHunterCity and @nealsumner kick off #cityunisimshowcase for @CityUniHealth 26 ppl attending @r_a_knight…Continue Reading First SHS Simulated Practice Showcase July 2016

LEaD Coaching: A personal experience

When I submitted an application for LEaD fellowship coaching I’m not sure I really knew what to expect. What I asked for was support to develop interactive teaching for larger groups of students. What I got was Dilly. Having chatted to Anise over coffee, to discuss options, she matched me with Dilly as my main…Continue Reading LEaD Coaching: A personal experience

LEaD Fellows Coaching

“I found coaching to be immensely helpful, restorative and motivational. It has given me fresh verve and energy.” “It was an excellent experience and has helped me to reflect on my career development and teaching.” Feedback from LEaD Coaching Fellows   This year, the LEaD fellowship scheme allowed four academics from School of Health Sciences…Continue Reading LEaD Fellows Coaching

Murder, diamonds and walking: using walks in your teaching practice through an exploration of Hatton Garden

Hatton Garden boasts a rich and colourful history.  It is known as the jewelry quarter and is the site of infamous crimes such as the recent Hatton Garden heist or the 17th century murder memorialised by Bleeding Heart Yard.  Many layers of history, extremes of poverty and wealth, and change are shared in the buildings such…Continue Reading Murder, diamonds and walking: using walks in your teaching practice through an exploration of Hatton Garden

LEaD writing group – Freewriting technique

Last week the first Blog Writing Group sessions took place. The group meets monthly, on the first Wednesday and Thursday of the month and all staff are welcome to join. In each session, a different writing strategy is introduced, used and discussed.  In addition, we go into more depth about good blogging practice. Each month…Continue Reading LEaD writing group – Freewriting technique

Educational Multimedia Group – 20th April 2016

At the last Educational Multimedia Group we introduced our brand new MILL (Media and Innovation Learning Lab) facilities which can be found next to the new LEaD office on the 3rd floor of the University building.  These include a soundproofed digital production studio with two 4K cameras, autocue and a control booth (and will soon…Continue Reading Educational Multimedia Group – 20th April 2016

Blogging together: social writing to encourage the sharing of good practice

Sandwich writing - participants discussing their ideas.

It was great to have so many participants at the Blogging Together workshop at the Learning at City conference last week. For those who were unable to attend, here is a brief outline and an invitation to join the Blog Writing Group. In the workshop, we looked at the motivations and challenges to sharing our…Continue Reading Blogging together: social writing to encourage the sharing of good practice

Spring clean your Moodle Modules

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Lecturers start designing their Moodle modules for the new academic year by rolling over content from the previous academic year. This saves a lot of time as content doesn’t need to be uploaded to Moodle each year. This post outlines how to give your module a spring clean post-rollover. It highlights two new features that…Continue Reading Spring clean your Moodle Modules

How to claim your HEA Fellowship via City’s RISES scheme

Why apply for HEA Fellowship? Becoming a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy is an opportunity to reflect on your work and demonstrate your experience to others in the HE community.   In common with many other HE institutions, City is keen to see many of its staff gain this recognition. What is HEA Fellowship? There…Continue Reading How to claim your HEA Fellowship via City’s RISES scheme

Improving Moodle’s Navigation

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An industry standard drop-down User menu has been introduced in Moodle 3, as part of Moodle’s continuing work on improving navigation. The User menu is located on the far right of the top navigation bar in Moodle and gives you access to your Profile and Grader reports for modules that you are teaching on. You…Continue Reading Improving Moodle’s Navigation