Are you keen for your students to develop their writing skills or improve their referencing? Then tell them about the wide-ranging series of lunchtime study skills workshops that LEaD are offering this autumn. See the full timetable here. Next week’s sessions are – Monday. 3rd Oct. – Referencing and avoiding plagiarism, 1:00 – 1:50 in C302 Tuesday…Continue Reading Academic study skills workshops
A group for writing
Following this year’s Learning at City conference, a few members of LEaD have set up a writing group. The idea is to provide a supportive community and environment for City academics and Professional Services staff to find some time to write, pick up new tips or techniques, or to gain support in writing for the…Continue Reading A group for writing
A Law student’s perspective of Learning and Teaching
I was recently given the opportunity to arrange a student panel for a Law learning and teaching day and thought it would be helpful to share some of the recommendations made by these students as well as tips on how to make student panels work. Panels are a great opportunity to look at a subject from…Continue Reading A Law student’s perspective of Learning and Teaching
Finding time to write
This month’s LEaD Writing Group focused on one of the principal challenges when it comes to writing – finding time to do it. As Eviatar Zerubavel (1999) observes, we can have a romantic vision of the bohemian writer scribbling away furiously when inspiration seizes them. However, reality often shows that this is a myth. Most writers…Continue Reading Finding time to write
Plagiarism and essay mills
Plagiarism, and in particular the recent burgeoning of so-called essay mills, was the theme of the ALDinHE (London & south-east region) event hosted by the University of Reading on July 22nd 2016. I had the pleasure of attending this lively and stimulating day of presentations and discussion at the University’s verdant London Road campus, a…Continue Reading Plagiarism and essay mills
Reading about writing
The second LEaD Writing Group sessions took place last week. As usual, there was a good combination of lively discussion, sharing of ideas and time to focus on writing. In the session we looked at the idea that, “reading and writing go hand in hand” (Goodson, 2013, p. 34). Reading good writing can help you…Continue Reading Reading about writing
Assistive Technology Training: from specialised support to inclusive practice
Six colleagues from Learning Success and Student Counselling and Mental Health Services were the first to participate in a series of free Assistive Technology (AT) roadshows provided by TechEd Marketing. In anticipation of imminent changes (i.e. reductions) to Disabled Students Allowance, we have been (1) exploring ways to make better use of AT to promote…Continue Reading Assistive Technology Training: from specialised support to inclusive practice
Lions, CAMLS and neuro-diverse linguists
Sometimes screening students for specific learning differences can be a bit like staggering through a teaching and learning jungle; a place where languages are plenty and, for a dyslexia support tutor, the tools are not quite what you need. Last year, for instance, a student (I’m going to call her ‘Tiger’), whose first language (L1)…Continue Reading Lions, CAMLS and neuro-diverse linguists
LEaD writing group – Freewriting technique
Last week the first Blog Writing Group sessions took place. The group meets monthly, on the first Wednesday and Thursday of the month and all staff are welcome to join. In each session, a different writing strategy is introduced, used and discussed. In addition, we go into more depth about good blogging practice. Each month…Continue Reading LEaD writing group – Freewriting technique
Blogging together: social writing to encourage the sharing of good practice
It was great to have so many participants at the Blogging Together workshop at the Learning at City conference last week. For those who were unable to attend, here is a brief outline and an invitation to join the Blog Writing Group. In the workshop, we looked at the motivations and challenges to sharing our…Continue Reading Blogging together: social writing to encourage the sharing of good practice