Moodle Training for 500 Academics

Janina Dewitz, Barking and Dagenham College @Moodlemoot 2011 Initially providing; 1 size fits all training Demand driven group training Ad hoc 121 Negative impact; constant cycle of retraining. doing work for the lecturer So…they redesigned their training scheme Basics Screencasts, help sheets, FAQs Sent staff video tutorials instead of showing them Essentials for teachers and…Continue Reading Moodle Training for 500 Academics

Surveys in Sixty Minutes

Focusing on a popular tool in the HE researcher’s toolkit – the survey Sian Lindsay, Lecturer in Learning Development Ajmal Sultany, Research Assistant Learning Development Centre, City University London What we did in a nutshell For one of the LDC’s monthly research and journal club meetings, we decided to present on what we have learnt…Continue Reading Surveys in Sixty Minutes

Grainne Conole from Open University @ Moodlemoot 2011

New Pedagogies for Social and Participatory Media Conole’s keynote explored open resources for enhancing teaching and learning. How increased use of the extensive open and online tools that are available could enable us to build on each others ideas and research. She promotes the idea of mixing the use of closed institutional tools with open…Continue Reading Grainne Conole from Open University @ Moodlemoot 2011