The rise of the still camera for film making

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Despite both using light to record images, until recently the worlds of video-making and photography were distinct entities, requiring separate equipment and facilities. If you wanted to take professional-looking photographs, you’d buy a SLR camera with a couple of good lenses. If you wanted to make quality videos, you’d buy a video camera: one with…Continue Reading The rise of the still camera for film making

Investment in Educational Technologies

Many of City’s educational technologies will be getting an investment boost as part of the University’s strategic plan and funding.  Moodle will be upgraded and integrated with a repository, timetabling, and mobile delivery tools; video streaming and web conferencing tools will become more user-friendly and robust; automatic lecture capture and AV pods will be brought…Continue Reading Investment in Educational Technologies

Future Lecturing Spaces Design Forum, 20 Sept 2012

The Learning Development Centre  and Property & Facilities  would like to invite staff and students to a drop in session to share ideas, thoughts and views on what you would like from future lecturing spaces at City. We want to hear from you about your lecturing, your learning, and how the spaces around you can…Continue Reading Future Lecturing Spaces Design Forum, 20 Sept 2012

Personal Response Systems: Review of the Turning Technologies User Conference 2012, Aarhus University, Denmark

Two months ago I attended the Turning Technologies User Conference 2012 at Aarhus University, Denmark, the first of its kind in Continental Europe (following the success of last year’s UK conference, reviewed here). Turning Technologies manufactures the electronic Personal Response Systems (PRS) or ‘classroom clickers’ that we use at City University London to poll students’ responses…Continue Reading Personal Response Systems: Review of the Turning Technologies User Conference 2012, Aarhus University, Denmark

Self- and Peer Assessment using Turnitin in SEMS: Cengiz Turkoglu

Cengiz Turkoglu, a Senior Lecturer in the School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, principally teaches final-year undergraduate students and one of the MSc Aviation Management modules, with class sizes usually not exceeding 20 students. Each of his modules uses a similar assessment pattern comprising one coursework plus an examination. For the coursework component, he utilizes…Continue Reading Self- and Peer Assessment using Turnitin in SEMS: Cengiz Turkoglu

Use of the Personal Response System for Formative Assessment in Optometry: Dr Byki Huntjens and Dr Steve Gruppetta

With the recent founding of the University Personal Response System (PRS) Steering Group, co-chaired by Dr Siân Lindsay and Farzana Latif, this would seem to be an opportune time to profile one of the innovative approaches implemented within the University in using PRS technology for formative assessment. Dr Byki Huntjens and Dr Steve Gruppetta are…Continue Reading Use of the Personal Response System for Formative Assessment in Optometry: Dr Byki Huntjens and Dr Steve Gruppetta

A Case Study of Interim Assessment in SEMS: Mary Aylmer


Mary Aylmer is a visiting lecturer in the School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (SEMS), teaching the CAD part of the module CV1407 IT skills, Communication, and CAD. She has developed an assessment pattern in which students produce five pieces of CAD coursework, each of which involves completing engineering drawings. There are two interim submissions…Continue Reading A Case Study of Interim Assessment in SEMS: Mary Aylmer

Learning Space Design at City, what students really want

In a very recent report from the Students Union to Senate, one of the 5 student community themes put forward concerned  Learning and Social spaces that reflect the value City places on quality education, interaction and collaboration. “Students expect facilities which are fit for purpose, welcoming, comfortable and focused on their needs. We would like…Continue Reading Learning Space Design at City, what students really want

Powerpoints are not the only Route

I was very surprised to be contacted recently by an experienced lecturer who seemed flustered at being asked to present at a professional body event. This was someone who lectures a lot at the university and even at professional conferences. But they had been given four constraints by the organisers for the 15 minute session:…Continue Reading Powerpoints are not the only Route

Top Tips for Filming from the MILL.

The MILL (Media and Innovation Learning Lab) have been running Final Cut Pro training for staff for a number of years now and has recently introduced a new iMovie course. As part of these courses we integrate some top tips for attendees to consider whilst filming or taking shots and here they are……Continue Reading Top Tips for Filming from the MILL.