Tag: creativity

Educational Excellence and Creativity: the undergraduate curriculum

The new landmark Central St. Martins building at Kings Cross When City University set up the multidisciplinary centre for creativity, there was an idea that all UG degrees would include creativity in the first year curriculum. This did not really progress, and I have been reflecting on why. My thoughts on this were stimulated by…Continue Reading Educational Excellence and Creativity: the undergraduate curriculum

Innovation Creativity and Leadership – Research and Practice

Innovation Creativity and Leadership – Research and Practice                    13th June 2011 http://creativity.city.ac.uk/ Archived abstracts and slides: http://creativity.city.ac.uk/ICLcity_talks.html This event showcased a diverse range of research and activity in this field.  It very successfully met its aim “to be a forum for exchanging ideas and sharing experience of innovation, creativity and leadership in both research and…Continue Reading Innovation Creativity and Leadership – Research and Practice