Tag: digital accessibility

From the Archive: Quick wins that can make your content more accessible and your practice more inclusive

person's hands on computer moving the trackpad in black and white

From the DA team: this blog was originally published on 20 September 2021. We are re-sharing the post to mark Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2022.  We know that making your content digitally accessible might seem like a daunting and time-consuming task. However, it is important to remember that accessibility is a journey, not a destination. We are…Continue Reading From the Archive: Quick wins that can make your content more accessible and your practice more inclusive

From the Archive: Creating digitally accessible descriptive transcripts from raw media and text files

From the DA team: this blog was originally published on 20 July 2021. We are re-sharing the post to mark Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2022.  The Project On the 8th of June 2021, Breshna Rani and I have been tasked with coming up with a template for transcripts to be approved by the Senior Educational Technologist…Continue Reading From the Archive: Creating digitally accessible descriptive transcripts from raw media and text files

A first look at Blackboard Ally

BlackBoard Ally Logo

Julie and I had led on the procurement for an accessibility solution for Moodle. We worked with stakeholders on the requirements and reviewed tender documents and arranged product demonstrations. We were very excited to finally use Blackboard Ally on our Moodle modules so we could see how the requirements translated into practice. Olivia’s Blackboard Ally…Continue Reading A first look at Blackboard Ally

Comparing Teams and Zoom for an accessible online learning experience

Microsoft Teams and Zoom are two of the biggest platforms used for learning, collaborating and working. Each platform has its own identity, packed with must-have features and some hidden ones too! It can be hard deciding which is best for a particular event. But don’t worry, hopefully, this article will help guide you. Using Zoom…Continue Reading Comparing Teams and Zoom for an accessible online learning experience

Welcome to Global Accessibility Awareness Month!

On behalf of City’s Digital Accessibility Working Group, I am delighted to welcome you to our celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day taking place during the month of May. Global Accessibility Awareness Day has been taking place on the third Thursday in May since 2011 and aims to “get everyone talking, thinking and learning about…Continue Reading Welcome to Global Accessibility Awareness Month!

Quick wins that can make your content more accessible and your practice more inclusive

We know that making your content digitally accessible might seem like a daunting and time-consuming task. However, it is important to remember that accessibility is a journey, not a destination. We are all on a roadmap of learning how to embed more inclusive practice in our everyday work. We will make errors along the way…Continue Reading Quick wins that can make your content more accessible and your practice more inclusive

Creating digitally accessible descriptive transcripts from raw media and text files

The Project On the 8th of June 2021, Breshna Rani and I have been tasked with coming up with a template for transcripts to be approved by the Senior Educational Technologist in LEaD and subsequently used in a first instance to generate digitally accessible transcripts for the individual presentations within City’s third annual Learning and…Continue Reading Creating digitally accessible descriptive transcripts from raw media and text files