Tag: interdisciplinarity

Building blocks for ‘City 2030’

Two tables of women in discussion at a workshop. Both tables have three people at them. There is a display of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals on the wall behind the tables.

A co-design climate workshop This is the second of two posts about ‘City 2030’, the proposed undergraduate interdisciplinary module on climate change and sustainability. Click here to read the first one. Titled ‘Co-creating Climate Curricula’, the Learning at City 2023 workshop looked to bring staff and students together to start work on what a first…Continue Reading Building blocks for ‘City 2030’

Bringing Climate to the Curriculum

Graphic for the publicity of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals, containing 17 coloured squares, each with the text and an icon to represent the individual goals.

A Rendezvous with Disaster For the increasing numbers of those paying attention, the dominoes keep falling. In 2023, multiple record-breaking temperatures were recorded around the world while environmental disasters kept on rolling in, from the Canadian wildfires that filled New York’s skies with thick smoke and an orange glow to the plummeting levels of Arctic…Continue Reading Bringing Climate to the Curriculum

‘Team Up’: collaborating with drones in higher education

Drone in foreground, on floor of CitySport gym, man walking towards it in background

Some projects come to us in LEaD Digital Education as fully formed ideas. Our role then is to help to execute somebody else’s vision for educational excellence. Other projects emerge out of iterative conversations and the scramble around for ideas that might just work. The ‘Team Up’ project was one for the latter category. Enter…Continue Reading ‘Team Up’: collaborating with drones in higher education

Digifest 2022 in six screenshots

Screenshot of Ed Fidoe, CEO of the London Interdisciplinary School, talk at Digifest. Depicts screenshot of curriculum map from a typical LIS module.

In the HE digital education conferencing and events space, 2022 has been marked by gradual returns to in-person activities as well as, in some cases, their hybridisation. This was in sharp contrast to the emergency shift to online conferencing (or outright cancellation) that many saw in 2020 and the attempts to improve on and extend…Continue Reading Digifest 2022 in six screenshots